Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1469 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1469 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (7)

Yan Huan brought Bawang over from the backyard. Just now, the group of spirit beasts in the backyard were all elegant and leisurely. Just by looking at them, one could tell that they were different from ordinary animals, and their behavior had the spirituality of spirit beasts.

Unlike her overlord, who rolled and ran in the mud, and made her take a bath for it.

With such a domineering and revealing name, it is a small spirit beast that looks like a lion and a dog, with golden fur all over its body.

The little curly hairs on the head are very cute, and they don't show any lethality at all.

But Yan Huan knew that this little thing had amazing explosive power when its master was in danger. The last time the six sects encircled and suppressed it, this little thing protected the master and severely injured the suzerain of another sect.

Such a good spirit beast.

What kind of enmity did the original owner have against it, and he wanted to name it Overlord?

Yan Huan rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache.

The overlord doesn't need to be pulled, the spirit beast recognizes its master, and if it is recognized, it will never betray its master until it dies, it is extremely loyal.

Yan Huan walked down the mountain briskly, looked back at the little Bawang who was following him alive and kicking, "Bawang, have you thought about changing your name?"


It rubbed against Yan Huan's ankle, looking at her with a pair of clear and dark round eyes.

"Don't want to change? You actually like this name?"

What weird taste?

This name is as domineering as the owner, it wants to be the domineering king!

Yan Huan:. . .

as long as you are happy.

"After going down the mountain this time, treat Zixiu's Kun better. Don't yell at it and scare it. You can't talk when you bully it, right?"

Overlord went around to the other side and rubbed Yan Huan's other ankle, "Lululu..."

The master used to not even say anything when he saw me bullying Kun, but now he scolded me because of Kun.


Yan Huan didn't know how to explain to it.

First of all, if these two spirit beasts can get along well, Yan Huan originally thought that if the two breeds were not too different, he would directly match the spirit beasts together first, but after knowing that the overlord is a little lion...

Yan Huan gave up this idea very conscientiously.

As long as the two spirit beasts get along peacefully, it is enough to avoid the two masters who sometimes make trouble and cannot be together well.


Did the master go down the mountain to find Zhuang Zhou this time?

Yan Huan sighed softly, brushed back his long hair, helplessly, "Someone came to propose marriage to me, it's a big deal, I have to discuss it with Zhuang Zhou."

Now the Xuanying School is managed by her and Zhuang Zhou, so...

Do you want to tell Zhuang Zhou about such an important matter?
Although Zhuang Zhou had something to go down the mountain, this did not affect Yan Huan's trek down the mountain to find him to discuss the emergency.

Urgent, very urgent!
With four short legs, Ba Wang quickly ran down the mountain following Yan Huan.

"Quickly find out where Zhuang Zhou is now. Let's go directly to him. If it's a long way, you can give me a ride."

Overlord sniffed around at the foot of the mountain and shook his head.

It seems that he has gone to a place a little far away.

Yan Huan rubbed its head, "Take me there, little boy."

When the Overlord turned into an attacking state, he was as tall as three or four Yan Huan, with a huge and burly body, with scarlet and fierce animal eyes, and a particularly domineering snort, and even a slight movement of his front paws could bring out a burst of attack. dust.

At this time, it can bear the name Overlord.

It knelt on its front two legs, Yan Huan followed its legs and turned over lightly, hugging its curly lock of hair.

"Let's go!"

 Zhuang Zhou, Zixiu

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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