Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1470 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1470 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (8)

Overlord is a rare ancient spirit beast in the world.

Its ancestor is one of the four famous beasts, 梼杌.

After going through thousands of ups and downs in the mortal world, it finally turned into a small, obedient and clever spirit beast that understands human nature. It only becomes a colossus when it is in an attacking state.

The Bawang smelled Zhuang Zhou's breath, jumped down from the air in the forest before entering the town, shook the curly hair on his head, and turned into a golden little lion dog again.

"When you enter the town, you must be obedient. You can't bark at the people and animals in the town. Do you hear me?"

Overlord rubbed her ankle, and nodded obediently.

This town is still some distance away from Xuanying Mountain, Zhuang Zhou went straight to this town after descending the mountain, not sure why.

"Original town."

The name came from, the source, the original.

As soon as Yan Huan entered the town, he saw a few men in bright red robes with silver thread embroidered python patterns.

She subconsciously raised her hand to cover her face, touched the veil covering her face, and quickly retracted her hand.

I almost forgot that she came out wearing a veil, and would not be recognized by these Kongyuan sect disciples.

Kongyuan Sect is the most famous and powerful sect with many disciples in Jianghu.

He was also the first proposer and strong supporter of the encirclement and suppression of the Xuanying Sect half a month ago.

The current suzerain of the Kongyuan faction and Yan Huan's master used to belong to the same school, the former was a senior brother, and the latter was a junior junior.

The earliest founder of this sect was a prince at that time, who stayed away from the royal court and devoted himself to the practice of Taoism. Therefore, their robes still use the same decorations and python patterns of the princes back then.

Look at the robes of the Kongyuan school, bright red, with silver thread python pattern domineering and connotative, and then look at Yan Huan's Xuanying school's robes, black color, only the cuffs and the hem of the robe are embroidered with Cymbidium patterns, if not He said that everyone never thought that the suzerains of these two sects used to be brothers.

The suzerains on both sides, senior and junior, seem to have a gay relationship, but the two of them are incompatible.

The suzerain of the Kongyuan Sect had despised Yan Huan's master for not concentrating on his practice since he was young, and studied the way of laziness and cleverness.

Due to the bad relationship between the suzerains of the two sides, the Kongyuan faction and the Xuanying faction were in the same situation, which caused the disciples under the sect to dislike each other.

Fortunately, Yan Huan not only put on a veil when he went down the mountain this time, but he also foresightedly did not wear the dark robes of the Xuanying School.

Just Overlord...

Such spirit beasts are too attractive.

Yan Huan looked around, but did not see Ba ​​Wang.

The little thing is quite clever, when he saw the Kongyuan faction from afar, he immediately ran away.

Yan Huan walked past those people with normal expressions, but they didn't notice her, they were in a hurry, as if they were in a hurry to go somewhere.

She looked around and made sure there were no members of the Kongyuan faction, so she found Bawang's figure in the surrounding area.

She didn't know where Zhuang Zhou was, so she could only rely on Bawang to smell Zhuang Zhou's scent along the road.

But this little thing didn't know where it went.

Yuanlai Town is similar to the town at the foot of Xuanying Mountain. The small town in the south is very gentle, like a family with a small bridge and flowing water in an ancient ink painting.

People passing by and setting up stalls spoke dialects, which were fairly easy to understand. Both men and women spoke softly and softly. Yan Huan lowered his head and looked for Bawang's little figure under the stalls on both sides. Could it be at this time? Play hide and seek with her?


(End of this chapter)

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