Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1471 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1471 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (9)

There was a sudden shout from a man in front of him, Yan Huan straightened his back and looked forward, his heart skipped a beat in fright.

Fortunately, there is no such golden little thing.

She thought it was the Overlord who jumped out suddenly and frightened people, but who knew it was a woman carrying a vegetable basket, and the child beside her bumped into a big man.

Coincidentally, the big man was wearing the familiar bright red robe with python pattern embroidered with silver thread, and he was also a member of the Kongyuan School.

What kind of luck did you have today? Why did you meet several people from the Kongyuan faction in an unknown town?

"Puppy! Do you have eyes? Come, let me see, are those black eyeballs fake?!"

The little boy was about four or five years old, and he didn't dare to lick the candy figure in his hand. He looked at the strong man in fear.

Yan Huan stood not far behind them, feeling a headache.

Do you want to do this? !
As soon as she came down the mountain, you arranged for her to get out of the way and yell at injustice?
She is a major disciple of the Xuanying Sect, and has a reputation of domineering and domineering. It can be said that everyone in the Jianghu is well-known.

I'm afraid she will be chased and killed by Kongyuan faction disciples in this town.

Her internal injuries are still not healed, and she is not sure that she can win if she fights hard.

Yan Huan froze in place, ready to wait and see the situation before deciding whether to sneak around to see the injustice.

The trembling woman nodded and bowed her head to apologize, "Hero, I'm really sorry, the kid was only focused on eating sweets, and didn't pay attention to the road, so I'm really sorry I bumped into you."

Yan Huan couldn't see the big man's face, just looking at his domineering back, he knew that this man was not that easy to talk to.

"I'm sorry, that's all right? Just look at your eyeballs, I haven't put on this robe for a long time, and it was stained with sugar by your son of a bitch!"

The woman hurriedly tried to wipe it off with her sleeve, but who knew that the candy stains were so sticky and greasy that she couldn't wipe it off at all, and instead made her even more embarrassing.

"Screw you!"

The big man kicked the woman to the ground, the woman fell to the ground and groaned in pain, the little boy standing beside him cried out in fright, the big man lifted the little boy up, and the little boy kicked his legs in fright, crying Howl louder.

He grinned grimly, "Since you have eyes that don't allow you to see the road, you little bastard, then you don't need those eyes either!"

Passers-by were persuading him, but the big man turned a deaf ear and pulled out a dagger from his waist, as if he was going to goug the child's eyes.

I am very happy.

Don't the newly recruited disciples of the Kongyuan Sect have any requirements for their character?

What is this?Relying on being a burly and strong man, he is so stubborn towards women and children?

How old is that child, are you going to goug his eyes? !
Can't take it anymore, she has to teach this pervert to be a good person!
Yan Huan fastened the veil on his face, and just as he raised his foot to go over, a golden unknown object suddenly appeared from the front!

The unknown object directly kicked the big man in the face, making his mouth slant and stares staring at him.


The big man took a few steps back, shook his head that had been kicked unconscious, cursed angrily, and looked around for the ghost who kicked him just now.

The overlord kicked the man arrogantly, with his head held high, and he swaggered to Yan Huan's feet, stopped, and obediently rubbed Yan Huan's shoe.

Yan Huan: ...

(End of this chapter)

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