Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 148 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 148 Not the Ake in your memory (54)

The guard squeezed the purse, the shape of the ring was like a bracelet.

Could it be a relative of the general who came to recognize his relative with a token?

The general doesn't care about things, and these servants can no longer care about things.

The guard said tentatively, "General, there is a bracelet in the purse."


Gao Jianli half-opened his eyes, a little confused, pinching the edge of the flagon and thinking about it.


His eyes suddenly lit up, he staggered to his feet, his clothes were too messy to take care of, Gao Jianli opened the door abruptly, startling the guards!
"Where's the bracelet?"

The guard handed over the purse.

Gao Jianli took out the bracelet in a panic, as if his heart had been pinched hard, he frowned in pain.

The gilt copper bracelet has been worn on the arm for a long time, and the surface has been worn smooth.

This is the bracelet he gave to Ah Ke!
"Where's that kid?!"

He opened his mouth eagerly, and the anticipation in his eyes was like a lighted torch, burning his withered heart for a long time.

The guard hurriedly went to the door to call the child in, Gao Jianli couldn't wait any longer, so he hurriedly put on his coat and followed the guard to the door in a hurry.

The child sat on the steps, resting his chin and waiting boredly. Gao Jianli looked at the little figure with anticipation in his heart, cautiously.

In the past month, he has thought countless times whether Ah Ke is not dead.

But a month passed, and the heart that was originally full of hope gradually became like dead ashes after burning, no longer alive.

Now, there is another glimmer of hope!
"Son, where did you get this bracelet?"

The child's round eyes looked at the guard behind Gao Jianli, and mysteriously pulled Gao Jianli's sleeve, leading him away.

He also motioned Gao Jianli to bend down and listen to his whisper.

This vigilance is... a bit like what A Ke taught!

Gao Jianli obediently attached his ears, and the child spoke softly, with a childish voice.

"Luojia Village outside the capital, Sister Ake is waiting for you at the original place."

Ah Ke? !
Gao Jianli was shocked, his head was dizzy for a moment, his heartbeat seemed to jump out, the excitement burst out from his eyes, like a bright beam of light!

The child shrank back a little scared.

Gao Jianli's breathing became short of breath, and he was a little overwhelmed with excitement. He touched the child's hair dumpling, "Thank you, thank you!"

The child blinked his round eyes and looked at him, Gao Jianli bent down and reminded him.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

The child snorted arrogantly, "Of course I know! My sister told me already!"

Gao Jianli smiled with his lips hooked in a rare way, he was about to ask the guards to prepare his horse, but then he thought...

Ah Ke's identity is sensitive, so he went to look for her during the day, just in case she was exposed.

This is still in Qin State, Zhao Yang's eyeliner is everywhere...

Gao Jianli held back the urgency in his heart, pinched the child's chubby cheeks, and spoke softly.

"Let Sister Ah Ke go to bed later tonight."

The child nodded solemnly, turned his head and left.

"Be careful on the way back."

Xiaobudian didn't look back, waved his hand at him, and ran out quickly.

Gao Jianli looked at his back and disappeared at the door, and felt for a moment, was all this just an illusion?
Or was he drinking too much and having a dream?
"Has a child been here just now?"

The guard was taken aback, and scratched his head in confusion.

"Come's still a chubby boy."

Gao Jianli nodded, his long hair was disheveled by the wind and stuck to his face, the smile on his lips widened.

Not a hallucination, not a dream!

 Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you_The past does not look back and rewards 100 book coins~

  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 99 book coins~


  We will meet tomorrow!
  Excited to sprinkle flowers~

(End of this chapter)

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