Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 149 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 149 Not the Ake in your memory (55)

In early winter, when night falls, frost falls.

Tonight, the moon and stars are scarce, a full moon hangs in the sky, the silver cold moonlight is reflected on the frost, and the surrounding is filled with dense coldness.

On the high wall of the General's Mansion, a man in black fell lightly, his face was blocked by a mask, he walked quickly, like a ghost, and disappeared into the narrow alley.

After nightfall, there are no pedestrians on the official road, and there are few carriages and horses. Only occasionally, there will be carriages from merchants transporting goods out of the city.

The capital of the Qin Kingdom has been stable recently, and nothing has happened. It is late at night, and the guards who are checking the property at the city gate are a little sleepy and lazy.

The sound of the hooves of the horses was very loud in the quiet night. Gao Jianli, who was waiting in the narrow alley, saw the opportunity, and neatly got into the carriage, and exited the city gate smoothly.

Luojia Village is a small village outside the capital. Before he and Yan Huan entered the capital, they stayed there for a few days to avoid the rain.

The village was quiet, with sparse shadows and swaying moonlight. Stepping on the moonlight, he walked step by step to the courtyard where he used to live.

The chaimen was covered, as if waiting for the master who had not returned home.

The little black dog at the door was huddled in its den, sleeping soundly, whimpering in its dreams, even if a stranger entered the door, it didn't stand up and bark at him a few times.

He stretched out his hand, his fingertips trembled, took off the mask, and pushed Chaimen away.

"Squeak" a soft sound.

The sweet-scented osmanthus trees in the courtyard are still flourishing, but there are no light yellow flowers, and under the night, there is a dark lushness left.

The back of the person standing under the tree was the same as before.

Her long hair was tied up loosely with a silver hairpin. She was wearing a water-blue cloak embroidered with large white peony flowers. She stood there, bathed in moonlight, like a dream.

Like a shadow in the water, Gao Jianli dare not break it.

Yan Huan heard the slight footsteps behind him, turned around and saw Gao Jianli standing against the light.

He had lost a lot of weight, and the night clothes stuck to him, still looked a little empty, his brows and eyes were haggard, his eyes were black and blue, his phoenix eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion, and his body still smelled of alcohol.

How did he live this month...

Yan Huan felt a sudden pain in her heart.

"You're back."

There was no hugging and crying, no tears streaming down my face, no excitement and speechlessness.

She only has gentle eyebrows and eyes, and she speaks longingly, as if waiting for her husband who has not returned home.

Gao Jianli looked at her face, hesitant.

The eyes are Ake's eyes.

But the facial features and appearance are only six parts like A Ke.

Yan Huan could see the doubt in his eyes.

Her face has indeed changed.

Although the assassins were all dead, Yan Guo was still investigating their identities and backgrounds. Her face was drawn at that time. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future, after she was resurrected, the system changed her appearance a bit.

Yan Huan raised his hand to caress his face, and when he looked at him again, he sighed softly.

"My appearance has changed."

Gao Jianli approached, took her hand and wrapped it in his palm. It was so small and cold. The pale pink scar on her neck was very distressing.

Yan Huan tiptoed to kiss him on the lips, and his thoughts poured out.

For more than 20 days and nights, she was eager to return home, but because of the injuries all over her body, she had to be raised in Yan State for a month.

The full moon turns into a crescent moon and becomes round again.

They also finally meet.

Yan Huan was a little choked up, his eyes were red, and his words were tearful.

"It's not the Ake you remember, but the degree of love for you is the same."

 Thank you Jibei for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Xinggong いちご for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 198 book coins~

  Rotate 720 degrees in the air and blow the splits to you~

(End of this chapter)

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