Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 150 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 150 Everything is Calculated (2)

Life, isn't it just ups and downs... (smiling face)
When I was in school, it was cold in winter, and every time my mother came to wake Yan Huan up, she would hug the quilt and howl.

"I don't want to be separated from the bed!"

"I want to grow up with the bed!"


just now…

Laughing and asking the sky who to spare. (smiling face +1)

as a bed.

She didn't sleep well last night.

His head was in a mess, and he didn't even know when Zhuge Liang got up and went out.

Why didn't you sleep well?

There was a big man on top of her, and the clear mint breath of his body lingered on the tip of her nose. His handsome side profile was close to hers, and when she opened her eyes, she could count his eyelashes.



How can you sleep like this? ! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

The cold system sound, opened weakly.

[Does the player accept the information of this world? 】

"Accept." (gritting teeth)

The brain floods with a stream of information.

Earth, or Earth.

It's just that in outer space, there is an extra planet called Jina.

The planet Jina is more developed than the earth. In recent years, large and small wars have been launched with the intention of annexing the earth.

Zhuge Liang, as the commander of the Earth Starship Team, fought back again and again, which prevented the Zhina people from annexing them so quickly.

Brother Zhuge is 24 this year, let alone women, not even a female animal!

Yan Huanchou...

In this case, she might as well dress up as a man to flirt with Zhuge Liang!

"System, let's discuss it, or turn me into a man."

System indifferent face.

[The strategy character is a steel-like straight man. 】

Yan Huan melancholy...

She seems to be paralyzed on the bed now, and only her eyeballs can glance around.

Footsteps came from the wooden stairs, softly, probably not Zhuge Liang.

The doorknob was unscrewed, and a small head poked in.

It was a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

Her almond eyes are dark, delicate and lively, she is a little beauty, her bangs cover half of her face, leaving almost only a pair of big eyes on the whole face.

At this moment, she was poking her head out, looking around the room, as if she was looking for something.

A bad premonition rose in Yan Huan's heart...

what are you looking for little sister !

There's nothing you're looking for here!
You, don't, come in, come on!
Of course the little girl couldn't hear Yan Huan's inner roar.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, she pushed open the door without any scruples, and ran in with her little slippers on.

Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°;
What I want is a beautiful young lady with a protruding front and back, and a body that is so good!
It's not your kind of young bean sprouts sister with flat chest and flat butt! Σ(°Д°;
Mud wins! ! ! !

Please let me go! ! ! ! Σ(°Д°;
The little girl sat down on the bed, Yan Huan felt as if it was getting dark...

[Transmission starts! 】

After a while of dizziness, Yan Huan, who came to his senses, looked at his hands in disbelief...

I looked at my legs again...

Meow! ! !

She was really teleported to that bean sprouts! ! !

Ten years old!What an age difference of ten years!
This is still a ball! !
How charming, how seductive, how teasing she is...

The water of the West Lake, my tears (╥﹏╥)
The system spoke reassuringly.

[Players are content. 】


She might as well be a bed!

[This little girl came up to look for the cat. 】


[Her little female cat almost entered the bedroom. 】

Yan Huan:. . .

What's the difference?

It is impossible for Zhuge Liang to fall in love with her!
 Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins ~ kiss ~
  Those who said that they were disguised as female animals and Kong Ming's little brother and mother...

  terrible terrible...

(End of this chapter)

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