Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 151 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 151 Everything is Calculated (3)

Yan Huan left the bedroom with a bitter face.

The little gray fluffy fold-eared cat meowed at her twice, looked at her with black eyes, and looked excited.

little... mother... cat...

Yan Huan sighed.

It's time to be content.

Fortunately, she is still human.

Zhuge Liang's home is a complex villa, Yan Huan hugged the kitten slowly down the wooden stairs, and the two downstairs were talking.

"Are the newly designed battleships going to be left as scrap metal?"

"Except for Designer Lin, no one can control the battleship?"

These words came from Zhuge Liang's cold voice.

"It's not difficult to control, just activate the Suzaku fan of the battleship. Because it lacks the energy core, it can't be used now, so it can't control the battleship."

Zhuge Liang frowned, "It is likely that the Zhina people hid the energy core."

"The Zhina people are really despicable! They killed Designer Lin, hid the energy core, and even Lin Yao was..."

Hearing Yan Huan's footsteps, the man stopped his angry tone, and looked sympathetically at Yan Huan who came down.

Yan Huan: ([-]_[-]) with a confused face

The middle-aged man looked at Yan Huan hesitantly, and sighed, "Let's go, Yaoyao."

No, how can I go?

I want to stay here to tease little brother Zhuge! Σ()

Yan Huan curled his lips, his big eyes were full of begging, and he spoke weakly.

"I think, I want to stay here."

The middle-aged man was stunned!

She said, she wants to stay at the Commander's house?

Someone like Lord Zhuge...

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Yaoyao, Commander is very busy, let's go back to do our homework."

homework? !

Terrible terrible! Σ(°Д°;
Then she shouldn't go back!
Yan Huan straightened her chest and spoke with great ambition.

"I want to follow behind the Commander and learn how to defend the earth!"

This crazy ideal...

Zhuge Liang couldn't hold back a chuckle, his light blue and cold eyes glanced at Yan Huan, a little playful and a little probing.

Yan Huan took a few steps back, ready to hug Zhuge Liang's thigh and not let go!
She is a little girl now!
Acting like a baby, playing tricks, and being disobedient are all things she should do at her age!

Zhuge lord nimbly took a step to the side, but Yan Huan missed it.

Yan Huan:. . .So even the displacement of the second skill is used? (indifferent face)
Zhuge Liang folded his arms and spoke slowly.

"She wants to stay here, let her stay here."

The corners of his lips curled up indifferently, even if he was smiling, he felt cold and indifferent.

The middle-aged man looked at Yan Huan worriedly, patted her head, and gave her some advice.

"Be obedient and don't make adults angry."

Yan Huan nodded solemnly.

Her immature appearance, coupled with such a serious expression, makes people want to laugh.


It is not certain who listens to whom.

Teach, she wants to train little brother Zhuge! O(≧▽≦)O

Zhuge Liang watched the middle-aged man leave. He folded his arms, raised his eyebrows, and looked down at Yan Huan with a smile on his lips. He looked a little... black-bellied and sinister.

Lin Yao, the only daughter of Designer Lin.

In an accidental murder a month ago, everyone in the design institute was killed by the Zhina people, including her father, Designer Lin, and only she survived.

After returning, Lin Yao shrank from 20 years old to 12 years old, and lost all her memories.


The cold light in Zhuge Liang's eyes became even colder.

Is this Lin Yao the real Lin Yao, or a fake Lin Yao forged by the Zhina people?
 In the evening, classes last until nine forty...

  later, sorry sorry
  Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 399 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 396 book coins~

  Thank you Yazhongmeng for rewarding 388 book coins~

  Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for your reward and feed to Mengmeng!Hiccup~

(End of this chapter)

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