Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 152 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 152 Everything is Calculated (4)

Yan Huan had no idea that Zhuge Liang was plotting against her.

She happily embraced the kitten, raised her feet and was about to go up the stairs to choose the upstairs bedroom.


Yan Huan's raised foot really stayed where it was.

She looked back at the speaker in confusion, Zhuge Liang smiled gently, her tone was calm, but it was overbearing that could not be refused.

"The second floor is mine, you..."

He casually pointed to the corner room on the next floor.

"you live there."

Yan Huan frowned unhappily.

At first glance, the room is not a good room.


She raised her face and widened her eyes angrily.

But with her current height and immature appearance, the lethality of anger is 0.

Zhuge Liang leaned over slightly, smiling politely and friendly, his light blue eyes seemed to reflect the sky, it was so pretty.

What he said made him extremely popular.

"Too low IQ is contagious, stay away from me."

I... wipe? !
Your pretty face is for teasing girls!

It's not used to despise girls!

Zhuge Liang bypassed her and went straight upstairs, Yan Huan's nose was going to be crooked!

I can't understand him, and I can't kill him!

She rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth, and endured it.

Standing on the second floor, Zhuge Liang watched Yan Huan holding the kitten as he wobbled into the room he pointed to.

Apart from anger, there was no other expression on his face.

The coldness in his eyes deepened.

If she really had her memory wiped, a 12-year-old girl would be rejected like this in a stranger's house.

Apart from being angry, wouldn't you be sad and wronged?

Don't you want to leave immediately?
She didn't have the slightest intention of leaving.

Anyway, he didn't believe it, Lin Yao really wanted to follow him and learn how to defend the country.

Getting close to him must have other purposes.

He curled his lower lip coldly, turned and went back to his bedroom.

The upstairs bedroom door closed with a "click", and Yan Huan was energized, refreshed!

"System system, did the original Lin Yao become a bed?!"

[No, the system has retained her soul. 】

"That's good……"

Only she can see little brother Zhuge's naked body!

The rooms on the first floor are clean and tidy, but there are not many furnishings and the decoration is very simple.

Yan Huan put down the kitten, and was making the bed and covering the quilt by herself. She is petite, so it was a bit difficult for her to do this.

I couldn't help complaining about Zhuge Liang again.

No mercy at all!

No love for the weak at all!
Not helpful at all!
What is the most handsome man in the canyon...

Bad review!

Zhuge Liang upstairs sneezed twice.

Well, maybe I have a cold.

"Ding dong."

The door bell rang.

Yan Huan hurriedly ran to open the door.

That middle-aged man brought her daily necessities and clothes?

So fast?
She didn't even ask who it was, and opened the door without hesitation, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.

Then, a grateful expression froze on his face.

Because, after opening the door, what appeared in front of her was a pair of towering breasts.

what... ghost? !
The woman outside the door did not expect that it was a little girl who came to open the door for her.

Didn't it mean that all female creatures should stay two meters away from Lord Zhuge?
Yan Huan didn't expect that when the door opened, it turned out to be a beautiful woman with a hot body and a charming appearance!
As a woman, the alarm in Yan Huan's mind immediately began to buzz.

Smell the smell of a rival!

Yan Huan smiled sweetly, his eyebrows and eyes curved into small crescents, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"Auntie, who are you looking for?"

 Zhuge Liang: Auntie?

  Yan Huan: Yes, uncle, what's the matter?
  Zhuge Liang's face darkened: Uncle?

  Yan Huan's innocent face: Otherwise?How about calling you Auntie?

  Zhuge Liang smiled: Okay, little brother with a flat chest.

  Yan Huan:. . .

  Was KO...

(End of this chapter)

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