Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1480 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1480 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (18)

Yan Huan has been drinking the medicine that Zhuang Zhou prepared for her these days.

The colliding aura in the body gradually stabilized. Although I couldn't feel my own original aura, I couldn't feel the aura that repelled it.

At least the pain is gone for the time being, but the body is a little weak. When Zhuang Zhou comes back, she must ask him why he didn't tell her when he knew that there was other aura in her body.

People who practice Taoism have a stable original breath.

Yan Huan couldn't figure out why the other breath came out suddenly. Could it be that her original breath was broken at that time, and the breath of the person who hurt her entered her meridians?
Really unheard of.

The next day.

People from the Hengyue faction sent all the betrothal gifts to the Xuanying faction one by one. Before the marriage was settled, Yuan Yu came to the door wearing a red robe like a bridegroom, and people almost mistakenly thought it was the Kongyuan faction. He brought someone to the door again.

Yan Huan was recuperating in bed at first, when a disciple came to report that the suzerain of the Hengyue Sect had asked someone to bring up a lot of betrothal gifts, she suddenly became one head and two big.

He didn't agree to this marriage at all, why is he even brought up the dowry now?
Yan Huan rubbed his forehead, and frowned impatiently. When she got angry, her heart ached.

"When did I agree to this marriage? Why did you just send the dowry?"

The second junior brother was also speechless, "I told the suzerain of the Hengyue sect that everyone in the Xuanying sect has to observe mourning for the former suzerain for one year in order to express their grief for the former suzerain. During this period, they cannot get married."

Yan Huan was leaning on the bed, his voice was sickly due to physical discomfort, his face was a little pale, and he showed the fragility of a sick beauty.

A woman like her is inherently seductive, so people can't take their eyes off her.

Although they have been in the same school for many years, the second junior brother is still a little embarrassed to look at her.

It's no wonder that the new suzerain of the Hengyue Sect loves the elder sister terribly. His own master also passed away not long ago. He didn't think about keeping his filial piety, but only wanted to marry the elder sister back earlier.

Yan Huan's tone was displeased, "You have explained to him like this, what did he say?"

"The new suzerain of the Hengyue faction said, it's okay, he is willing to wait even ten years, the betrothal gift will have to be prepared sooner or later, and it's the same as sending it here first."

She frowned again, lay down under the quilt, turned over, and said indifferently.

"Tell him to move everything away, this marriage... tell him to wait for Zhuang Zixiu to come back, and let him discuss with Zhuang Zixiu."

The second junior brother hurriedly went to the front hall to talk about Yan Huan's intentions, and just happened to meet Zhuang Zhou who had come back.

"Little, little junior brother..."

Zhuang Zhou glanced at the blushing second senior brother, "Is there something wrong?"

Zhuang Zhou was the last apprentice accepted by the master. He used to be low-key, and everyone didn't think about him, but since the siege half a month ago, his strength was fully revealed in front of everyone. For really far above them.

This little junior called out, and now it is also very strange.

"Elder Sister said, let you discuss her marriage with the new suzerain of the Hengyue Sect."

Zhuang Zhou looked a little pale, he raised his eyebrows, his eyes were displeased, "Marriage? The Hengyue faction is here again?"

"Yes, and, this time, all the betrothal gifts were delivered directly."

Zhuang Zhou pursed his lips, his face was a bit cold, "Where are the Hengyue faction?"

"Sitting in the front hall, the betrothal gift and so on are placed in the yard at the entrance of the front hall, and the whole yard is neatly arranged."

(End of this chapter)

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