Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1481 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1481 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (19)

Yuan Yu thought that it would be Yan Huan who came, but when he saw the black robe hem stepping in, his heart immediately rose.

The man who came in was no stranger. During the last siege, this little junior brother of the Xuanying Sect, who was usually unknown, stole the limelight that day, and now everyone in the world knows it.

He is the suzerain of the Hengyue Sect, and he is obviously a very young disciple in front of him, Yuan Yu feels that Zhuang Zhou's aura is even more awe-inspiring than his.

Yuan Yu cleared his throat, put on the posture of the suzerain and said, "Why didn't Miss Zixi come here?"

Zhuang Zhou glanced at him indifferently, and sat directly on the main seat. He raised his hand to take the teacup at hand, brushed away the tea leaves floating on top gracefully, took a sip of the tea, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"I don't seem to have heard that the eldest sister agreed to this marriage."

Yuan Yu raised her eyebrows, "Why didn't you agree? Miss Rixi's meaning was very clear back then. Her master just passed away. She can't get married right now, but she can get married as soon as the filial piety period is over."

Zhuang Zhou bent his lips and smiled, his eyes were always looking lazy, the color of them was like deep emeralds.

"Then this filial piety period may last for the rest of my life."

He put down the teacup, too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, and spoke directly.

"Want to marry my senior sister of the Xuanying School? Then you have to pass my test first."

He approached Yuan Yu, and the disciples behind Yuan Yu stood up and prepared to draw their swords. Zhuang Zhou swept the crowd indifferently, and chuckled, "Are you so afraid of me?"

Yuan Yu snorted coldly, "What does it have to do with you if I propose to marry your senior sister? In the future, since the Hengyue School and the Xuanying School are related by marriage, if I beat you up now, wouldn't your senior sister want to annoy me?"

Zhuang Zhou threw away the saber in his hand, and there was nothing in his hands. Although his tone was cold and his eyes were indifferent, this action was already extremely provocative.

"Whether my senior sister is annoyed or not depends on whether you have the ability."


"It's not good, it's not good! Big sister!"

Yan Huan just fell asleep, and was awakened by a burst of shouting before he could sleep for a while.

She was angry when she woke up, she was woken up when she was sleeping, and now she was full of anger.

"What's the fuss about!"

The one who opened the door directly and came in was a younger junior sister. Seeing Yan Huan's gloomy expression, she became even more anxious.

"Oops, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh my little brother, I hurt the new suzerain of the Hengyue faction!"


Yan Huan was so startled that he sat up from the bed awkwardly, got up anxiously, felt dizzy before his eyes, and almost fell to the ground limp all over.

Zhuang Zhou, beat Yuan Yu?
Wait, Zhuang Zhou is back?

Why did he fight Yuan Yu directly without notifying her when he came back?

"Is it in the front hall, help me there."

Yan Huan hurriedly put on his coat, and was helped out by his junior sister, her heart was beating violently, Zhuang Zhou was always self-reliant, why did he cause trouble?

Now that the Xuanying faction has not recovered from the siege, if it is because of beating the suzerain of the Hengyue faction, there will be another big conflict between the two sides.

It's really a wave of ups and downs, which makes people feel uneasy.

Yan Huan walked quickly all the way to the front hall. In the courtyard at the entrance of the hall, the disciples of the Hengyue Sect hurriedly carried the betrothal gifts and sent them down the mountain. Yan Huan swept around the people in the courtyard and saw Yuan Yu in the corner.

His face was swollen a lot from the beating, and when he saw Yan Huan approaching, he raised his sleeve in embarrassment to cover half of his swollen face.

Hey, you don't hit people in the face, why does Zhuang Zhou still greet people in the face?

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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