Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1487 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1487 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (25)

Yan Huan didn't sleep well this time.

The grotesque dreams made her unable to distinguish between reality and dreams. Her heart throbbed so badly, as if a sharp blade was biting her heart bit by bit.

She was sweating profusely from the pain, and her face was pale, but she frowned and slept until night.

The little junior sister who came to bring her dinner lingered at the door for a while, thinking whether to open the door and go in.

But after the eldest sister was injured, her temper became more and more irritable. If I disturbed her sweet dreams, wouldn't I be punished again?

While hesitating, he happened to see Zhuang Zhou coming over.

Zhuang Zhou glanced at Yan Huan's bedroom, but did not turn on the lights.

"Is the elder sister not in the room?"

The junior sister shook her head, "Eldest sister fell asleep when she came back in the afternoon, and she hasn't woken up until now. I don't know if I should bring my dinner in now."

It is normal for her to sleep until now in such a weak body.

"Give it to me, I'll send it in."

This sound is like the sound of heaven.

The junior sister hurriedly stuffed the food box into Zhuang Zhou's hand, "Please, junior brother! Thank you!"

Zhuang Zhou watched the junior sister leave like the wind on his feet, looked down at the food box, and smiled softly with bent lips.

The disciples in the faction have always been more afraid of this elder sister than their master.

He opened the door without knocking. The room was filled with the smell of bitter medicine. She must have fallen asleep without drinking the medicine in the afternoon.

The food box was gently placed on the table, he didn't light a candle, it was only night, the moonlight was so shallow that it couldn't clearly illuminate the furnishings in the room, it was pitch black and blurry, Zhuang Zhou's footsteps were very light, for fear of waking up the restless sleepers.

He is very familiar with the furnishings in her room, and he is even more familiar with the person lying on the bed.

She must be frowning uncomfortably now, because of the pain in her body, she must have curled up on the side close to the wall, and fell asleep quietly.

He is familiar with her, like his left hand and right hand.

So many years of knowing each other, and... loving each other, have firmly engraved her in every inch of his heart.


God is jealous of a good match.

Zhuang Zhou raised his hand and stroked her long hair with the palm of his hand a few times, Yan Huan gradually loosened his frowning brows, and his back, which was stiff and tense due to pain, also relaxed.

His voice was soft and pitiful, and his eyes were full of love, "Sorry for making you suffer so much."

He reached out to Yan Huan's wrist, brushed his palm over it, and saw an unusual black and evil energy flowing in her meridians.

Where is the repulsive aura in her body, it is clearly evil.

It is the evil spirit that can make her go crazy.

If she hadn't drawn out the evil energy from her body earlier, she would be the next to die suddenly.

Zhuang Zhou pinched her wrist, closed his eyes and said his will, and slowly transferred the evil energy in her body into his own.

Lead out of the body?impossible.

This kind of evil spirit is very domineering, not only to stay in the human body, but also in the human body with a strong cultivation base.

If one's own aura can suppress this evil aura, it can gradually turn it into a normal one's own aura. In this way, one's cultivation can be greatly improved.

But if one's own aura can't suppress this evil aura, one will go mad, the aura in the body will run wildly, and one will die suddenly if one is not careful in luck.

The Suzerain of the Xuanying School and the Suzerain of the Kongyuan School, the cultivation base of these two people can be counted among the top few in the Jianghu.

They couldn't suppress this evil spirit, and now Zhuang Zhou wanted to draw it all on himself.

He couldn't just watch Mo Nian go mad and die suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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