Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1488 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1488 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (26)

The birds chirping cheerfully in the morning.

Birds fluttered their wings and jumped between the branches and leaves, the tips of the newly grown green leaves trembled slightly, and the morning sun shining in from the window was warm and warm.

In the early morning of spring, there was a lot of vitality everywhere, and some birds accidentally ran into the room, flapping their wings and flying around in the room, chirping in panic.

Yan Huan frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

I slept uneasy yesterday afternoon, but had a good dream at night. Now I wake up relaxed, and I can't even feel the pain in my body.

She propped herself up and sat up from the bed, and glanced at the birds flapping their wings in the room.

Silly little thing that flew in and now somehow flies out.

Yan Huan put on his clothes and opened the door, and the bird that hit the door frame a few times rushed out.

The sun is warming, and the usually inconspicuous black roof is now covered with a layer of light gold, which makes people feel indescribably happy.

Today's body doesn't hurt at all, not only does it not hurt, but also seems to have regained a lot of strength, there is no feeling of two kinds of aura repelling each other in her body, she can feel her own aura flowing in the meridians.

Strange, just sleep for one night and everything will be fine?
Yan Huan turned around puzzled, and saw the food box on the table.

When I opened it, I found that it had been cold for a long time, it should be the dinner sent by my junior sister last night.

Zhuang Zhou said yesterday that he came to heal her wounds at night. Could it be that he healed her wounds last night, so she feels much better today?
Yan Huan rubbed her sleeping stiff neck, and when she went out, she met her junior sister who brought her porridge.


The junior sister looked up at her, "Master, are you awake?"


Yan Huan nodded, took the porridge bowl from her hand, and drank it carelessly as he walked.

"Did you bring me food last night?"

Junior sister gave her a timid look, "Junior brother said that he happened to be looking for you in the room, so he brought him in."

I guessed it was Zhuang Zhou.

Yan Huan pouted, finished the porridge in a few sips, returned the porridge bowl to her, and walked straight to Zhuang Zhou's bedroom.

The door of his bedroom was closed, and he was probably asleep.

Using one's own cultivation to heal others' injuries is the most exhausting of the practitioner's original energy.

Although he is at the foot of the mountain, he may be with a certain woman, so what.

Yan Huan really cared about this, but he spent so much cultivation to heal her.

From a common sense point of view, Zhuang Zhou didn't marry a wife, and he didn't have a woman he liked. Even if he had some indescribable relationship with any woman, she couldn't control it.

The ancient brothel is still legal, the government doesn't care, what can she control as a senior sister?
Feeling flustered, disappointed, and a little sad.

She squatted on the steps in front of Zhuang Zhou's room, staring at the sun shining on the ground in front of her, in a daze.

There was loss and sadness, but it was not strong. There was even a very firm voice telling her that he hadn't done anything with other women.

She squatted on the steps and smashed the pebbles at hand, muttering to herself dissatisfied.

"When it's good, good people look like dogs. When it's annoying, the annoying dogs look like dogs. It really annoys you."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a creaking sound of the door opening behind her, and Yan Huan jumped up in fright, staring at the person behind her with wide eyes.

Zhuang Zhou seemed to have not slept well all night, the dark circles under his eyes were black, bloodshot and tired in his eyes, his face was tired, and he was still leaning against the door frame to tease her.

"Sister, shouldn't you be squatting here and guarding me all night?"

(End of this chapter)

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