Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1491 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1491 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (29)

On the training ground, the disciples of the Xuanying School saw Yan Huan approaching from afar, and immediately raised their spirits one by one, and they were extremely focused on practicing.

Yan Huan raised her hand to touch her cheek, but fortunately there was no abnormal heat, she pursed her lips, her heart was still beating violently.


Inexplicably pulled her into his arms, and inexplicably asked her about the past.

What is he trying to do?
Or, what exactly do you want to ask?Want to test her so sideways?
The disciples on the training ground were practicing seriously, and Yan Huan looked at them expressionlessly, but his mind had already drifted away.

"Hey, the little junior brother is here!"

The second junior brother shouted, and other practitioners looked over there one after another. Zhuang Zhou folded his arms and really came slowly.

Yan Huan frowned puzzled.

After the last siege, everyone understood how high his cultivation base was. Zhuang Zhou didn't need to do this kind of basic morning exercises.

Today, does he want to practice with everyone?

"Aren't you weak? What are you doing here instead of lying on the bed?"

Zhuang Zhouqiang lifted his spirits and smiled. He looked at the red sun that had just risen in the east, half-closed his eyes, raised his hand lazily and yawned, and quickly whispered something in Yan Huan's ear.

"I'm afraid that senior sister will be bored here alone."

His breath sprayed on Yan Huan's earlobes, causing her to shrink her neck instinctively, her eyes widened inexplicably.

what... ghost? !
Zhuang Zhou is so abnormal today, it's only been one night, what happened to him this night?
All the other disciples looked at them in unison, and forgot to practice in a daze.

There seemed to be something unusual in the air.

Senior Sister and Junior Junior Brother, when... did they secretly fall in love?

Yan Huan took a big step back, cleared his throat unnaturally, turned his head and gave everyone a cold look.

"Are you happy watching the bustle? Is it more fun than practicing kung fu?"

Everyone shuddered, silently turned their eyes away, and practiced the boring basic skills absent-mindedly.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her voice was naturally soft and charming, but at this moment it was cold and menacing.

"Practice hard! If I see anyone not serious again, I will be put on a horse for a day and not allowed to eat!"

She tugged at Zhuang Zhou's sleeve, pursed her lips and pulled him coldly all the way to the pavilion at the end of the training ground, and shook off his sleeve.

"I found you to be very strange today. What's wrong with you, have you been haunted by a ghost?"

Zhuang Zhou folded his arms, his eyes were confused, "Why am I so strange?"

"You today..."

Yan Huan pursed her lips and ground her teeth, feeling embarrassed to speak.

Does Zhuang Zhou feel nothing?It was her who was embarrassed.

Kun said that he had no clothes on and had physical contact with other women. How could he be embarrassed about this kind of teasing?
The shyness in her heart was like a balloon that was blown up, and the thing that made her worry about it was like a needle pricking it.

Discouraged, lost.

Yan Huan's expression of embarrassment and anger soon eased, she said coldly.

"It's nothing."

He was probably used to Meng Lang at the foot of the mountain, and he forgot that male and female disciples are not allowed to get close to each other.

Zhuang Zhou came over and walked side by side with her, his voice was lazy but very gentle.

"Well, I admit that I'm not afraid that you will be bored here alone."

He turned his head and smiled at her, with a playful tone, "I'm bored in the bedroom by myself, so I just come out for a walk to relieve boredom, I can't be idle."

(End of this chapter)

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