Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1492 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1492 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (30)

Yan Huan choked on his inexplicable reply, bit her lip, and tried her best to calm down the anger in her heart.

Didn't he just say in front of so many people that he was afraid that she would be bored here alone?
Are you kidding her?Or play her in front of so many disciples?

It made her blush, as if there was something wrong between the two of them, and now she said indifferently, he came out because he was bored?
Who is this? !

He was not only used to Meng Lang at the foot of the mountain, but also to skin.


Very annoying!
She laughed angrily, and snorted, "Since you are idle and bored, and you don't need to stay in bed to recuperate, then watch everyone practice for me."

I don't want to stay here any longer.

Seeing him, hearing his voice, and smelling his cool breath made her feel really uncomfortable.

Because he is a raider, when she first entered the plane, she would have an inexplicable familiarity with the raider.

It was like being in a strange place, the only person she could rely on and trust.

But why is the strategy character of this plane like this?
Fucking with other girls?
Not caring about her feelings at all, and immediately separating the relationship after flirting?
Well, he did help her heal last night, and spent a lot of cultivation, which really moved her and made her very warm. can't cover up his annoying places.

"System! Come out and get beaten!"


"You'd better explain to me why Zhuang Zhou in this plane is like this!"


"Why not that kind of lazy, gentle and beautiful boy, but this one?!"


"Don't play dead for me!"

Yan Huan was so angry that he wanted to pull out the dog system and beat him to death!
[The story is waiting for players to discover]

Yan Huan:. . .

[However, the Raiders of the plane seem to be a bit inconsistent with the system settings]


The system didn't answer any more, and seemed to be meditating with his mechanical brain.

"Could it be that your system can be hacked by some kind of hacker?"

[Not a hacker, but...]

The system stopped talking just in time.

It was that person, who seemed to have escaped the control of the system.

Gotta get to work on getting that guy under control.

"Are you stuck? Why don't you talk?"

The mechanical sound of the system has a dull and dignified sound.

[Player, don't worry, this plane is a plane of welfare, you can succeed in the strategy with your eyes closed and without using your brain]

Yan Huan:? ? ?

What the hell?

"System, you haven't been beaten yet, don't leave!"

There was no system reply.

Not only the Raiders are inexplicable, but even the system is inexplicable.

Yan Huan held the saber by his side, full of displeasure, and ran along the stone path all the way to the back mountain.

Zhuang Zhou looked at her back as she left angrily, with a shy smile on his lips.

"Picked her up again."

Knowing that Mo Nian's temperament is only one point, he still pissed her off like this.

In fact, what he wanted to say just now was not that sentence at all.

The words that were really hidden in his mouth and wanted to be blurted out were all swallowed by Zhuang Zhou.

So what?

He himself doesn't know if he can survive this calamity, so what's the use of telling her that he likes her?

It's better to let her treat herself like she was at the beginning, just an ordinary fellow junior. If you add another layer of relationship, it will be an ordinary fellow junior who is not liked by her.

He just wants to see her more now. He is cynical and cynical, looking for various reasons to see her more.

(End of this chapter)

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