Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1494 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1494 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (32)

On the practice ground, the disciples were in a mess, surrounding Zhuang Zhou who had fainted in the middle, Kun fluttered his long fins restlessly at the side, the hazy light-colored breath of light blue, and the dark meridians protruding from Zhuang Zhou's forehead were gradually Fading down, he lay on the ground with his eyes closed, his face pale and his breathing weak.

Yan Huan pushed aside the crowd surrounding him, "Get out of the way! Spread out!"

The flustered disciples retreated to the back, looked at the fainted Zhuang Zhou and whispered, Yan Huan pointed to two people to carry Zhuang Zhou back to the bedroom, looked at the crowd full of discussions, clenched their fists, and said coldly, "You just watched What's up?"

"Senior sister! Is the little junior brother also insane?!"

"That's right! No wonder his cultivation base is so high. He was obviously the last one to be accepted into the Mysterious Shadow Sect by Master, so how could it be higher than Senior Sister's cultivation base?"

"Has he been backlashed by crooked ways now? He has also gone mad!"

"So, should we execute him quickly?! Otherwise, if other sects find out, we will be besieged again!"

She stared at the noisy and discussing crowd in front of her, this group of people had nothing to do with her, they were all shouting and shouting, how she usually treated Zhuang Zhou respectfully and flattered her, but now she forgot all about it.

Yan Huan's anxious and worried heart was stimulated by this sentence, and she was furious. She gritted her teeth and strode up to the disciple. She was short of breath, and suddenly raised her hand and slapped the disciple directly on the face. !

She pinched the disciple's neck with such force that the veins on the back of her hand bulged, her eyes were sharp and cautious, and the breath around her was suffocating.

"What did you just say?"

The disciple whose neck was pinched by her stared in horror and trembled all over. Yan Huan angrily threw him on the ground, threatening with a persuasive voice, every single word.

"It's only been more than half a month. Have you guys forgotten all about the encirclement and suppression?! Let me ask you, when the various sects encircled and suppressed the Xuanying Sect, who desperately protected everyone in the sect? Who was it?" Repelling hundreds of thousands of enemies with one's own strength, who kept the Xuanying faction, so that you can still live here to make sarcastic remarks?!"

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent. The disciple who was thrown to the ground held his chest and coughed violently, trembling all over, still in shock.

If she and Zhuang Zhou hadn't worked together to save everyone that day, they would have been killed by the sword, but now, they are still shouting at their savior? !
She clutched the saber at her waist tightly, her eyes sweeping across everyone were as sharp as a knife, and her threatening voice was ice-cold, making people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

"What is crooked practice, what is obsessed with madness, if a word of today's incident is spread, without Zhuang Zhou, even if you don't die at the hands of other sects, you will die at my hands!"

She turned around and walked quickly to Zhuang Zhou's bedroom. Her heart was beating in a panic and she was at a loss. She didn't know what to do.

How to treat a person who is crazy?
Even the suzerain of the Kongyuan sect fell into a lunatic and couldn't do anything about it, as did the master. After going into a lunatic, he used his kung fu again and died suddenly, vomiting blood and dying on the spot.

People with such high cultivation bases can't do anything, what can Zhuang Zhou do, what can she do?
Wait, the source of Yuanlai Town!
Zhuang Zhou said that the source there can cleanse all the evil spirits in the practitioners.

So, now, does she want to go to Yuanlai Town to find the source?
But so many people from the Kongyuan faction and Zhuang Zhou couldn't find it, how could she find it?
(End of this chapter)

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