Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1495 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1495 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (33)

Wait, why did Zhuang Zhou... go crazy?
He is not the kind of person who is obsessed with cultivation and status in the world. Why does he practice crooked ways?

Panicked and puzzled filled his nervous and worried heart, Yan Huan took a deep breath, pinched the door frame with a livid face, and said coldly to the two disciples in the bedroom, "You all go out, I'll just stay here. "

The two disciples put Zhuang Zhou on the bed, and nodded to Yan Huan submissively, "Elder Sister, let's go out then."

"Don't tell the outside world what happened today, otherwise, you all know my temper."

Her voice was tired, but the threatening momentum remained undiminished. The two disciples hurriedly nodded and left the bedroom. Kun lay on the bedside sobbing and weeping. Yan Huan pursed his lips and walked in with heavy steps.

Although Kun was suppressing the evil energy for him, some black energy could still be vaguely seen in the blood flowing through his meridians.

The breath in his body is the breath of crooked ways.

Well done, why don't you take the right way, but take these evil ways?
In the end, his cultivation has increased a lot, but how long can he live?

Everyone had already fainted, and there was no way to reprimand him. Yan Huan looked at Kun next to him, patted it on the head, and slowed down his tone for fear of scaring it.

"What's the matter with your master?"

Kun rubbed against Zhuang Zhou's shoulder, sobbing sadly.

"Has he found Yuanquan in Yuanlai Town before? You tell me how to find it, and I will find it. You don't want to watch him die like this, do you?"

Kun looked at her with tears in his eyes, remembering what Zhuang Zhou had said to it before.

He said, don't tell Mo Nian everything, past and present, because he just wants Mo Nian to live a simple and happy life from now on.

Although, it wanted Mo Nian to find the source and save the owner, but...

It promised that it would be the most loyal spirit beast of its master, and would never go against its master's wishes.

Kun shook his head.

"Impossible, you absolutely know, you go down the mountain with him, he takes you everywhere, how could you not know?"

Yan Huan grabbed Kun's long fin and shook it, "Don't you want your master to get better? Do you know that if you go crazy, you will die, and there is no way to save it, do you know that?"

Of course it does.

But... This evil spirit must be resisted by someone, either the master or Mo Nian. The master is not willing to let Mo Nian go mad and die suddenly.

So, take it all on your own.

What can you get if you bear it?Mo Nian has completely forgotten about the past with her master. If she doesn't tell her, she will never know how much she and her master were a pair of solitary practitioners who loved each other in this life, nor will she know how much the master has done for her!
The master is himself stupid.

Want to say, but can't.

Kun was in torment and pain, and silently leaned on Zhuang Zhou's shoulder, weeping and not speaking, Yan Huan couldn't understand it, and was about to grab it and ask again, when there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Big sister! Big sister! It's not good!"

It was the second junior brother's voice.

It's not good, why is it not good again?

Zhuang Zhou fainted because of his madness. Could it be that someone fainted again?

Can this madness be contagious? !

She opened the door impatiently, and said in a bad tone, "What's the matter?!"

The second junior brother stammered with horror on his face, "The disciples at the gate just came to report that the members of the Kongyuan Sect have arrived at the foot of Xuanying Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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