Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1496 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1496 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (34)

Yan Huan's eyes were filled with stares as she was hit again by a heavy blow, her heart was hanging so hard that her throat throbbed uncomfortably, she pinched the door frame and shook her head in disbelief, thinking she had heard wrong.

She opened her mouth with difficulty, and reconfirmed, "You said, the Kongyuan faction has arrived at the foot of the mountain? Did the disciple who came to report see it clearly? Is he sure he read it correctly?"

"That's right! That disciple panicked in fright, he is indeed a member of the Kongyuan Sect!"

Yan Huan hurriedly pushed him away and went out, thinking of Zhuang Zhou in the bedroom, he grabbed his second junior brother and told him, "I'll go to the front yard, you stay here and don't allow anyone to approach Zhuang Zhou!"

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Why did people from the Kongyuan faction suddenly come to the Xuanying faction?
It didn't make sense that Zhuang Zhou went mad and was carried into the bedroom. It didn't make sense that the Kongyuan sect got the news and rushed over. Then, before...they knew that Zhuang Zhou practiced crooked ways?
When asked a while later, she refused to admit it.

Yan Huan clutched the saber at her waist tightly, feeling nervous, she stood at the door of the front yard to calm down, and took a few deep breaths.

The thoughts in her mind were chaotic, and she tried to sort it out, and reluctantly dealt with the current situation first.

He only bites him to death and refuses to admit that Zhuang Zhou has lost his temper. He only says that he is healing her wounds and has spent too much energy in his cultivation. Now he is weak and bedridden.

Kun is also helping Zhuang Zhou to restrain the evil spirit now, even if they want to see Zhuang Zhou, it doesn't matter, they won't find that there is evil spirit in Zhuang Zhou's body for a while.

She pursed her lower lip heavily and entered the living room in the front yard.

The one sent by Kong Yuan happened to be an acquaintance.

The one in the lead was the big protector whom Yan Huan had bumped into in Yuanlai Town earlier.

The few standing next to her were also familiar, that is, the new disciples who had their belts cut off and stood bare-legged on the street.

Yan Huan curled his lips into a smile, his tone was all charming, and the irony was also very contemptuous.

"It's really hard to figure out why the Guardian and all the disciples of the Kongyuan Sect and the Xuanying Sect who came here half a month ago suddenly came to visit again today, but they miss the beautiful scenery of my Xuanying Mountain."

The disciples of Xuanying Sect handed over hot tea, but the chief protector of Kongyuan Sect didn't even look at the cup of tea, with a grim expression on his face, he directly pushed away the disciple who was handing tea.

He sneered, "Your Mysterious Shadow Sect has lost its suzerain, so it is no longer the previous Mysterious Shadow Sect, but just a useless person who is hanging on his shoulders and dying. You still talk to me in such a domineering tone, Mo Zixi, you Do you still think you are the respected elder sister of the Xuanying School?"

Yan Huan took the first seat, leaned lazily on the wide chair, and sneered back, raising his eyes with contempt, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Since you don't need to be hypocritical, let's get straight to the point. If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have to fart, you also know that our Xuanying faction has a grudge against you, so get out of here!"


The big protector glared angrily, gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could just strangle this arrogant woman to death!

This time I came here not to cause trouble, but to have a business, which is important, so don't waste your time with her here.

The Great Protector sneered a few times, panting heavily, looked outside the courtyard in front of him, and asked directly, "Where's Zhuang Zixiu? Why didn't he come?"

Yan Huan's heart skipped a beat, and a burst of cold sweat broke out on her back, her face remained unchanged, she still had that sarcastic and arrogant look, and said lazily.

"How about the disciples of my Xuanying Sect, when will it be under your control?"

The big protector lowered his face, and said in an involuntary tone, "Tell Zhuangzi to come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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