Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1497 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1497 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (35)

Yan Huan raised his knuckles lightly, pushed out the saber a little bit, and the cold light shot out, bright and dazzling, full of murderous aura, "What a joke! Zhuang Zixiu, you can see him as soon as you want? You... what are you?!"

The disciples of the Kongyuan Sect gathered around one after another and drew out their swords without any fear. The Great Protector glanced at the disciples behind him with satisfaction and laughed wildly.

"I advise you to obediently call Zhuang Zixiu out. I can let you live for a while longer. If not, the Xuanying faction will be wiped out today!"

Yan Huan pulled out his sword, looked at the intricate lines engraved on the sword as if nothing had happened, and said indifferently.

"The Dharma protector probably forgot. Who alone retreated numerous sect disciples to the foot of Xuanying Mountain in the encirclement and suppression that day. I probably took a look at your people today, but there are only a few hundred of them."

She turned to look at the big protector, her eyes were puzzled and innocent, "You said that there are only a few hundred people in your area, enough for Zhuang Zixiu to kill?"

The Great Protector frowned, feeling a little thumping in his heart.

Zhuang Zhou's cultivation was indeed very high.

These people are not sure that they can beat Zhuang Zhou and Mo Nian.

But the suzerain can't wait any longer.

He inquired that Zhuang Zhou had found the source, so Zhuang Zhou must have asked the spring spirit how to get rid of evil spirits.

Over the years, only Zhuang Zhou and others have found the source, and now only Zhuang Zhou and others know this method.

The Kongyuan faction cannot live without a suzerain, and the evil spirit in the suzerain must be eliminated as soon as possible!
The great protector thought about it, and still planned to fight to the death.

He drew out his saber, pointed at Yan Huan, and said sharply, "Call Zhuang Zixiu out!"

Yan Huan frowned slightly, and didn't think why he was so obsessed with seeing Zhuang Zhou.

It stands to reason that he knows Zhuang Zhou's cultivation level, and there are not many people leading him now, so he won't fight head-on, so why...he must fight desperately?
Yan Huan put down the teacup, chuckled softly, the drawn out voice was half enchanting, half cold, and the tender person had goose bumps all over his body.

"I know that you Kongyuan Sect people are not afraid of death, but unfortunately, Zhuang Zhou is not in the Xuanying Sect now, if you really need to find him, come back later."

The big protector looked expectantly and anxiously, as if he had something extremely urgent.

Urgent matter...

Could it be that he wanted to ask Zhuang Zhou about finding the source?
But Zhuang Zhou didn't find it either. Why did he ask Zhuang Zhou?
The big protector was so anxious that he drew out his sword and stabbed Yan Huan, and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Yan Huan dodged his blow, and the guardian was like a crazy beast that lost his mind, "Isn't it? I wonder if Zhuang Zixiu will come out if you die in the front yard!"

His moves were a bit chaotic and disorganized, and other Kongyuan sect disciples raised their swords to stab at him one after another. Yan Huan blocked their attack, kicked the disciple by the door, and spat.

"Why are you crazy?! Want to see Zhuang Zixiu?! I'll call for you!"

She put away her sword, turned around and walked out of the front yard with a gloomy face. Zhuang Zhou is now in a coma, and he will definitely not be able to scream, then...

Call all the disciples of the sect, and fight to the death with the Kongyuan sect.

Anyway, if outsiders were to know that Zhuang Zhou was insane, they would absolutely have to encircle him again. They couldn't hold on to the left and right of the Xuanying faction, so it's better to make a break now.

Her internal injuries have all healed, and with the Second Junior Brother and the others, they should be able to withstand the Kongyuan faction.

Then Zhuang Zhou...

You have to ask Kun to secretly carry Zhuang Zhou out of the back mountain!
 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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