Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1498 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1498 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (36)

"Be careful! Don't fall and hit him!"

Yan Huan looked back at the yard behind him, no one noticed the movement here, and no one came in.

Two younger juniors carried Zhuang Zhou out, Yan Huan gently opened the back door for them, and instructed them.

"Walk around from the back mountain. Now the Kongyuan faction are all in the front yard and won't notice you. Don't linger here. Go down the mountain quickly and find a safe town to resettle Zhuang Zhou. Don't let him go again. return."

"Senior sister, if we don't come you want to help?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyes were heavy, her soft words were as helpless as a sigh.

"Don't come back, you will die if you come back."

In the Xuanying faction, she can fight hundreds of moves with the great protector of the Kongyuan faction, and the others can't compete with him at all.

Besides, it has only been half a month since the last siege, and the injured people have not fully recovered. This time... there is not even a [-]% chance of winning.

"Let's go, go, don't come back, remember to take care of Zhuang Zhou!"

Yan Huan glanced at the palm-sized kun on Zhuang Zhou's body. It seemed to have a lot to say to her, its eyes flickering and hesitant to speak.

"I don't have time to listen to what you have to say now. Protect your master well. If I am alive, I will come to you and talk about it then."

She pushed the two disciples out the back door, "Let's go."

Whether Zhuang Zhou can survive this catastrophe, whether he is alive or dead, she doesn't know, but now, she can't let Zhuang Zhou be killed in this situation.

Yan Huan settled down, and rushed to the training ground with a solemn expression.

All the disciples of the Xuanying School were summoned here by the second junior brother.

It doesn't matter whether it's the ones she wants to see or the ones she doesn't want to see, senior disciples who have been in the door for more than ten years, or young juniors and sisters who have just started in the past.

At this moment, there are all kinds of emotions in my heart, sour and uncomfortable.

Her voice didn't seem to be harsh to them as usual, but calmly narrated a fact.

"Everyone should know that the Kongyuan faction is sitting in the front hall right now."

Everyone was silent, Yan Huan continued.

"They want us to hand over Zhuang Zhou, but everyone knows that Zhuang Zhou has gone mad. If we hand over Zhuang Zhou, they will encircle and kill us all under the pretext of helping the Jianghu eradicate the evil party. If we don't hand over Zhuang Zhou, they will also be angry and want to kill us all to vent their anger."

Yan Huan's expression was slightly cold, "Anyway, this contest with the Kongyuan faction cannot be avoided."

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

A younger brother said weakly, "But the younger brother is not here, we will definitely not be able to beat them..."

Yan Huan frowned, his face darkened immediately, and he raised his voice and said sharply, "Could it be that the Xuanying School will not survive without Zhuang Zixiu?!"

That junior shrank his neck weakly and didn't dare to speak again.

What he said was indeed good. The current situation of the Xuanying School really cannot survive without Zhuang Zhou.

She will not force these young disciples to die with her.

In the silence, Yan Huan spoke lightly, and glanced at the crowd without emotion.

"Those who are willing to stay and fight for the Xuanying Sect can join me, but, as you all know, this time there will probably be no return."

"Others... those who want to leave can also go around the back mountain now. People from the Kongyuan faction will not find out, and I will not stop them. Life and death are in your own hands. I will not force you if you have a fellowship. you."

(End of this chapter)

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