Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1500 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1500 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (38)

The last time the Xuanying faction was mobilized in such an orderly manner, it was against the encirclement and suppression by the various sects half a month ago.

Now everyone's momentum is heroic and unhesitating. The young people with blood boiling all over their bodies have firm eyes, and there is no hesitation in the hand holding the saber.

At this moment, he was only fighting for the vows he had made, only for his fellow disciples, and only for the Xuanying Sect.

The chief protector of the Kongyuan sect was already impatiently waiting in the front hall, and was circling around the room irritably, when the sound of orderly footsteps suddenly sounded in the front yard.

He looked up at the front yard, Wu Yaya's disciples of the Xuanying Sect, all dressed in black robes, were neatly lined up in the front yard.

Kong Yuanpai's chief protector frowned, went out with his saber in hand, glanced at the faces of everyone, and probably understood.

He smiled sarcastically, and said dismissively, "When did the senior sister of the Xuanying School become a stupid person with deaf ears? I asked you to call Zhuang Zhou, and you called so many disciples of your Xuanying School to do it." What?"

"What? You Xuanying faction can't support so many people anymore, you want to share them with our Kongyuan faction?"

The laughter of the Kongyuan faction disciples erupted around her, Yan Huan jumped out and cut the throat of the Kongyuan faction closest to her with the blade of the dagger.

The blood donation gushed out immediately, the glaring bright red and the smell of blood in the air, the members of the Kongyuan faction were still laughing just now, staring at Yan Huan with wide eyes as if they had seen a ghost.

When she drew the dagger from her waist, and when she unsheathed it and killed someone with the dagger, they didn't see clearly.

The disciple whose throat had been cut raised his hand in a daze to touch his cold throat, uttered a few broken and indistinct sounds, rolled his eyes, and fell straight down.

Yan Huan bent his lips and smiled, his voice soft and charming, "Smile, why don't you stop laughing? I like your laughter very much."

The Great Protector of the Kongyuan Sect recovered from the shock, blushed furiously, drew out his saber and rushed towards Yan Huan!

The moves and swordsmanship of the Kongyuan School and the Xuanying School are similar, and the two suzerain masters used to belong to the same school, so the things taught are naturally similar, but the moves of the Kongyuan School are more fierce.

The Great Protector came in a menacing manner. His cultivation base was much higher than Yan Huan's. Now he was in a state of rage, and his moves were even more fierce.

Yan Huan could only retreat, looking for an opportunity to attack while dodging his moves. The sword was dazzling. His flexible reflexes barely stabbed his arm.

The disciples of the two factions were fighting together, the sound of swords was cold, mixed with moans of pain, the familiar chaotic scene reminded her of the bloody massacre half a month ago.

The smell of blood in the air became more and more intense. Her back was soaked in sweat before she recovered her body. Unable to sustain such a violent fight, there was a faint buzzing sound in her head, and Yan Huan kicked her face away viciously. A disciple of the Kongyuan faction, her hand holding the long sword is already a little numb.

To fight like this is to fight for physical strength.

Originally, the physical strength of a woman and a man cannot be compared on the same level. In addition, she was seriously injured. Now she can't support it.

But the great protector of the Kongyuan sect didn't change his face, his heart didn't beat, and he was only panting slightly.

He gritted his teeth and said sharply, a little anxious and impatient, "Where is Zhuang Zixiu?!"

(End of this chapter)

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