Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1501 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1501 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (39)

Yan Huan happened to have this free time, so she could catch her breath a little. She tried her best to breathe calmly so that she wouldn't be heard as tired and out of breath.

"You always ask me to hand over Zhuang Zhou, what are you doing?"

The great protector stabbed with a sword, "Say it quickly!"

Yan Huan dodged the sword, and smiled calmly, "You don't need to tell me, I know that your suzerain has gone mad, and you want to ask how Zhuang Zhou found the source, and what news did he get from the source? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Why? If you have the guts to practice crooked ways, why don't you have the guts to admit that you have gone mad? When you shouted at my master, I didn't see you so timid?"

The big protector was furious and wanted to kill her with a sword, but she was as nimble as a fish in water, she couldn't stab her at all, and couldn't catch her.


A shrill cry sounded very familiar.

Yan Huan turned his head to look at the source of the voice, it was the second junior brother.

He was besieged by several people, lost to everyone, and had an arm cut off abruptly. His face was pale, and he gritted his teeth on the ground to control himself from moaning.

Hearing his shout, Yan Huan recovered from his concentration on the fight, and looked at the current situation of the disciples of the Xuanying Sect.

There were more or less dark blood stains on everyone's black robes, and their faces were tired and pale. There were also several motionless corpses of Xuanying Sect disciples lying on the ground, who seemed to have died.

The Kongyuan faction also suffered casualties, but, from the very beginning, the Xuanying faction was at a disadvantage.

He had just experienced a vicious battle to encircle and suppress, and his vitality has not yet fully recovered, so how can he cope with this fight?

Noticing the change in Yan Huan's expression, the big protector jumped beside the second junior brother, grabbed the second junior brother by the collar on the ground, dragged him over, and grinned at Yan Huan.

"Mo Zixi, I have to admit that you, the Xuannv Yan Luo, didn't get the title for nothing. You bitch, you are more difficult to deal with than a big and thick man!"

The injured disciples of Xuanying Sect were easily subdued, and some of them who were not injured or slightly injured quickly approached Yan Huan.

The Great Protector sneered, "You are powerful, but what's the use of being powerful? You clearly know that your Xuanying Sect hasn't recovered from the last time you suffered a serious injury, yet you brought all the disciples of your sect to the die?"

The second junior brother's severed arm was still gushing blood from the shoulder. His face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were empty and lifeless because of the great pain, waiting for the death of liberation.

Others who were subdued by the disciples of the Kongyuan faction were even more bruised and bleeding profusely, which was shocking.

They all seem to be dying, struggling, gasping weakly, but their eyes are all firm and fearless.

They have no fear, and their joyous hearts are like being held together by a big hand, which hurts.

The Great Protector looked contemptuously at the Xuanying Sect disciples around him, and said disdainfully and angrily, "Mo Zixi! You throw away the weapon in your hand and come here, I can spare these people from dying!"

Yan Huan looked at the dying disciples, and most of the other disciples of the Xuanying Sect standing beside her were injured.

A desperate fight is really hopeless.

If it goes on like this, they won't be able to last long, and everyone will die. Isn't it a shame to die under the swords of Kongyuan faction disciples?
So, what's the point of this struggle for the sake of the oath, for the Xuanying faction?
They are still so young.

 end of september

  Please be gentle with us October...

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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