Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1503 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1503 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (41)

Yan Huan raised his hand to look at his own hands. The nails were originally painted with red kodan, and there were a few places where the red kodan was rubbed off during the fight, but it was a pity that it was stained and it didn't look good.

"Say, I'll say it now, what did you ask me just now?"

The Great Protector was so angry that he repeated impatiently, "I ask you, where is Zhuang Zixiu?! Where is Zhuang Zhou! If you don't tell the truth again, I will kill you!"

Yan Huan jumped off the table, clapped his hands, and smiled, "Okay, let me tell you where he is."

She walked to the entrance of the front hall, and the sun shone on her. Her beauty and demeanor were so dazzling that people dared not look directly at her, stunning, stunning.

Everyone was waiting for her answer, she raised her lips and smiled, as if shy like a little daughter.

"Zhuang Zhou, he is in my heart."

what? !

Everyone couldn't believe what they heard.

In her heart, what is in her heart?
The Great Protector froze in place, completely bewildered.

She is playing him? !
Angrily, he rushed up and raised his hand to give her a slap, but Yan Huan grabbed her by the wrist.

Her tone was cold, the corners of her lips were full of sarcasm, but her eyes were innocent.

"I'm right, I like him, I miss him, I keep him in my heart, what's wrong?"

She coldly threw away the big protector's hand and sneered, "I told you where he is, why is the big protector still so angry? Getting angry hurts your body."

The disciples of the Kongyuan Sect surrounded him and attacked. Yan Huan had no weapons, and after breaking a man's neck, he snatched the long sword from his hand, which was not as suitable as the long sword he used to use.

Her weapon had already been confiscated by the Great Guardian.

Now it is a group attacking her alone, she not only has to follow the moves of the Great Guardian, but also distracts herself from the other disciples of the Kongyuan Sect.

The breath became more and more chaotic and hurried, Yan Huan was a little distracted, she was already at the end of her strength, as long as her tense nerves relaxed a little, she would immediately fall to the ground powerlessly.

The movements in her hands were already numb without soul control, and the ringing in her ears became more and more intense. Ordinary long swords were no match for the blade of Kongyuan faction's great guardian, and she retreated steadily after being beaten.


The body of the sword in his hand was broken by his sword energy, Yan Huan's palm went numb, but before he could react, the long sword that came out of nowhere pierced her right shoulder blade directly.

Yan Huan groaned in pain, his hands were weak, the broken long sword fell to the ground, and the guardian kicked her hard in the abdomen!
She spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

The big protector kicked her and still couldn't let go of his anger. He grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up from the ground, his eyes were about to burst with anger.

"Damn girl, isn't it pretty arrogant?! Wasted so much time for me, bah!"

Yan Huan was pulled by his strength, and was forced to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Cough cough cough..."

His whole body was in pain, the injured shoulder blade was in severe pain like fire, Yan Huan frowned at his roar.

How can a big man roar louder than a woman?
The big protector grabbed her by the collar and wanted to kill her directly, but because he wanted to ask her where Zhuang Zhou was, he had to control his anger.

"Tell me where Zhuang Zhou is! You witch! Bitch!"

Yan Huan curled his lips and smiled, coughing but not speaking.

"You don't say it? You don't say it, do you?! Good! You are really stubborn!"

The big protector stood up and walked back and forth in the room angrily. He stopped suddenly, with a weird smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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