Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1504 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1504 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (42)

The big protector smiled strangely, his eyes flashed with vengeful pleasure, and his tone was obscene.

"I know that your mouth is tough, and your bones are even harder. You are not afraid of death at all."

Yan Huan lied on the ground weakly, propped himself up to look at him, his face was abnormally excited, and he had a faint feeling of bad premonition.

"However, although you are not afraid of death, you don't know whether you are afraid of being ridden by thousands of people and sleeping with thousands of people?"

He continued, with a greasy and disgusting smile, "With your face and your figure, do you know how many men in the rivers and lakes want to spend the night with you?"

Yan Huan's head buzzed.

She guessed that this vicious dead man would never let her die straight away.

Did he want to insult and threaten her in every possible way, forcing her to reveal Zhuang Zhou's whereabouts?

The big protector raised Yan Huan's chin with his toes, smiled contemptuously, and said the most vicious and inhuman punishment for a woman as if nothing had happened.

"You said that I would cut off your tendons and hamstrings, give you some dumb medicine, and sell you to the cheapest brothel..."

He smiled, and added, "By the way, I have to tell all the brothers in the rivers and lakes this good news, so that they can all taste this together..."

"you dare?!"

Yan Huan was so angry that he coughed up blood, his eyes were venomous, and he gouged on the big protector, wishing he could cut him into pieces with his eyes.

"Don't dare? Why don't I dare? Look at you now, you can beat me? Even if I throw your sword and dagger to you, can you still beat me?"

He knelt down and raised Yan Huan's chin with two fingers, his tone was pitiful and his smile was full of sarcasm.

"Do you still think that you are the right-hand man of the suzerain of the Xuanying Sect, a senior sister who is feared and dare not disobey?"

"You are domineering, you look down on domineering, you are arrogant, those are all things in the past."

"What are you now? I kill you, cut you, sell you and humiliate you, what can you do to me?"

He smiled triumphantly, suddenly his face changed suddenly, he quickly dodged to the side, and looked behind him in surprise!
Behind him lay the corpses of many Kongyuan sect disciples in disorder. Their throats were cut with a sword, and their blood flowed into rivers.

The man stepped on the blood of the people, holding a cold long sword with a cold light in his hand, his eyes were scarlet, his face was gloomy, against the light, he walked slowly towards the great guardian of the Kongyuan faction step by step, with a life-threatening cold killer meaning.

It turned out to be...Zhuang Zhou? !

The big protector was full of astonishment, and was frightened by Zhuang Zhou's terrifying and fierce aura for a moment. He touched the long sword at his waist, looked at Zhuang Zhou's gloomy and evil face, and his heart sank suddenly in fright!
Zhuang Zhou, when did Zhuang Zhou come? !

When did you silently kill all the disciples of the Kongyuan Sect outside the door? !
I didn't realize it at all. Could it be that Zhuang Zhou's current cultivation level... has reached such a high level?
If it wasn't for the fierce murderous intent rushing over, he would never have known that the disciples behind him had all died under his sword.

Simply, like Yan Luo, who climbed up from hell to claim his life, he easily wiped out the lives of so many people.

Yan Huan was also stunned.

She never expected that it was Zhuang Zhou? !
Didn't he go mad and unconscious?Why can you still rush over, and come to save her consciously?

Could it be that he suppressed the evil energy in his body? !

But his face didn't seem normal.

Zhuang Zhou raised his lips and opened his mouth coldly, not to be questioned, like a born king with awe-inspiring arrogance, every single word seemed to announce——

(End of this chapter)

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