Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1511 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1511 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (49)

"Are you alright? Wait any longer, I'm afraid your husband can't take it anymore."

Yan Huan wiped away her tears and stood up, nodded, "It's done."

She looked down at Zhuang Zhou's face, unable to take her eyes off his face.

It's just a pair of eyes, just a pair of eyes, it's worth it to exchange his eyes for his life.

"Close your eyes."

With her hands behind her back, Quan Ling swayed slowly in front of her, stroking her eyes lightly with her palms, without even feeling any pain.

"All right."

"All right?"

Does she have no eyes now?

Quan Ling glanced at the distance between Yuanquan and her, "Here, don't open your eyes, now go forward...Take ten steps and enter the Yuanquan."

"Why? Isn't my husband going in?"

Quan Ling inserted her eyes into her own sockets, lowered her head to the clear lake, looked left and right, full of joy.

"Your eyes are really pretty. Even if you're not smiling, there's a seductive charm in your eyes. I really like it."

Yan Huan could only smile wryly, "Master Quanling...just as long as you like it."

When Quan Ling was finally satisfied with the photo, she stood up and smiled, "What did you ask me just now?"

"I want to ask, it is my husband who has evil energy in his body, not me, why did I enter the source?"

"Your husband has already been immersed in the source. Although this source can cleanse the evil energy in the human body, it needs a living person to soak in it at the same time, and use his own soul to shock the spiritual power of the source."


"Yes, the soul that shakes the source will sometimes be swallowed by the source. Whether you can come out alive depends on your luck."

Yan Huan frowned, his tone trembling in disbelief, "Didn't you say that you would promise to save him as long as you exchanged your eyes? Why do you still need my soul now?"

Quan Ling looked at her inexplicably, and patiently explained.

"The exchange I promised you is to promise that your husband can be immersed in the source, and your soul...that is the rule that everyone who wants to enter the source and cleanse the evil spirit must follow. You don't need your soul to shock the source. , your husband is immersed in the source, it is also a dead end."

You can use your own soul to shake the source, she may, she will die.

Just now she thought that Zhuang Zhou's life was just exchanged with a pair of eyes, and she still thought it was worth it, now...

Quan Ling also said that whether he can come out alive depends on luck.

"You are so annoying. While saying that you are willing to use everything in exchange for your husband's life, you are still unwilling to pay for him."

It's not that she doesn't want to pay, but that she doesn't want to die.

At the beginning, her life and death were unknown, and Zhuang Zhou was in great pain, but he still persisted and kept looking for her.

Because of love and reluctance, everyone knows that death can get rid of all pain, but there are always many entanglements that make you unwilling to die.

Zhuang Zhou didn't want to, and she didn't want to either.

She also thought that after the evil energy in Zhuang Zhou's body was eliminated, she and Zhuang Zhou could live a solitary life like before, she could hide from the world, find a secluded place to stay for two years, and then travel around.

Yan Huan walked step by step to the position Quan Ling said with difficulty.

She has no eyes and can no longer shed tears.

Her chest was filled with pain, and her weak and difficult breathing was not much better than Zhuang Zhou's near-death breathing. The pain in her heart made her take every step forward, like stepping on the edge of a knife.

Will she be the one who is lucky enough to come out of the source alive?

(End of this chapter)

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