Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1512 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams

Chapter 1512 How much do you know about flowers falling in dreams (50)

The water in the fountain was icy cold.

The spring water is like a knife, right?It hurt every part of her body, and she couldn't help moaning out of the pain.

It also seemed that there was a powerful force that forcibly wanted to tear her into pieces from within her body.

Yan Huan spoke in a soft voice with difficulty, unable to gather any strength, "He, will he suffer as much as I do?"

"No, he is unconscious now, and you are the only one who is in pain."

Quan Ling's words changed, and she wondered, "Are you in pain?"


"Then your luck should be bad."

bad luck?

What's the meaning?Does it mean that her soul will be swallowed by the source?
There was a sharp pain in her chest, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and she was dizzy for a while, the blood spread in the water like a large blooming red flower, instantly turned into purity by the clear spring water.

it hurts.

Consciousness is also lost.

Those memories that were erased by the suzerain of the Xuanying Sect gradually and clearly appeared in his mind little by little.

She and Zhuang Zhou were childhood sweethearts.

Two adjacent families in a small town gave birth to a male doll and a female doll.

It's just that the personalities of the two children seem to be reversed. The girl has a boy-like domineering personality, and the boy has a girl-like gentle personality.

Later, both of them learned Taoism.

When I was a child, everyone in the town said that with Mo Nian's temperament, no one would dare to come to ask for marriage in the future.

Xiao Mo Nian cried because of this incident. At that time, Xiao Zhuang Zhou held her hand and flirted with her. Although his appearance was immature, his expression was serious.

"In the future, if no one comes to ask for marriage, then I will propose to your family."

Later, those who missed Mo Nian's beauty and wanted to come to ask for marriage were beaten back by Mo Nian after a few miles.

She lamented that no one really wanted to marry her.

He came to propose marriage the next day and married her back.

Both of them knew each other how much they loved each other.

How much love, and later Mo Nian was hunted down by his enemies, seriously injured, and his life and death were unknown, Zhuang Zhou was in so much pain.

It has never been an easy task to stay in love with each other and love each other forever.

Originally thought... After finally surviving this calamity, they could go on happily and lovingly.

Who would have guessed.

This source still needs the soul of a person to shake it, so that it can be cleaned up by people with evil spirits.

Consciousness is getting blurred.

Even Zhuang Zhou's face in the last scene in his mind gradually disappeared in the water, and he couldn't see clearly or remember it.

Is she really going to be swallowed by the source?
She still couldn't shake the source...

She will die.

He regretted not being able to look at him more when he could see him.

When his eyes went dark, Yan Huan fell back powerlessly, submerged in the clear and pure spring water, and gradually sank.

There seemed to be a huge force at the bottom of the spring, calling her to go there.

The surface of the spring water was calm, Zhuang Zhou floated quietly on the water surface, the blackness between his brows gradually dissipated, and a little blood appeared on his lips again.

It was as if nothing had happened, and it had never devoured a living life at all.

The source can indeed cleanse the evil energy in the human body, but it is also a rebirth in exchange for another person's soul life.

According to the rumors, the source is designated as a righteous spiritual thing that can cleanse evil spirits, because in the eyes of those who are saved by the source, the lives of other people are not life at all.

Quan Ling glanced at the calm water, sighed, and shook her head.

"There is another dead soul offering sacrifices to the spring."

(End of this chapter)

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