Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1535 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1535 Back to the country, step by step towards you (16)

"You didn't fall asleep?"

Yan Huan thought: If I fell asleep, can I talk to you now?Silly boy.


He turned sideways, his eyes were seductive in the dim light, "Can we have a chat?"


Ying Zheng couldn't fall asleep at first, but he immediately felt refreshed after chatting with her. He said first, "How is life in heaven?"

This question really stopped Yan Huan from asking.

To be honest, she is really a fake fairy. After she descended to earth, she didn't remember anything about the sky.

What is life in heaven like?It is also limited to the mythological TV series in her head now.

She sighed, "Actually, life in heaven is no different from life in the mortal world. There are hierarchies and rules, and the rules are stricter than in the mortal world."

Ying Zheng was quite surprised, "I thought gods were free."

There is no freedom at all.

Yan Huan turned around, "Actually, gods are not as good as mortals. Mortals at least have emotions and desires. They can dare to love and hate. Gods have nothing. They are envied by thousands of mortals. They live forever, but they have no emotions like puppets on strings." Like immortality, who cares about it?"

"Can't you fall in love with someone else?"

"Well, you can't fall in love with other gods, let alone mortal monsters. If you are in love, you have to pick out the bones of the immortals on the Zhuxian Terrace and suffer the pain of reincarnation."

"Then you can't like me?"

Before Yan Huan returned to him, he said to himself, "You'd better stop liking me, remove the fairy bones, and suffer from reincarnation, it must be very hard."

The candlelight was flickering, and the begonia-colored curtains revealed wisps of light. It was not bright, and I couldn't feel the warmth of the candlelight. There was no exaggeration, and the warmth was only his words.

Yan Huan moved closer to him, looking at him with bright black eyes, "Since I have descended to the mortal world, I am not a fairy, so I can naturally like mortals."

Ying Zheng is sensitive by nature, worrying about gains and losses.

Something that didn't belong to him, suddenly one day is close in his arms, unreal at the same time, and he is no longer willing to let her go.

His tone was somewhat flimsy and tentative, "Then why did you descend to earth? Did you make a mistake in heaven?"

A man with a monstrous and beautiful appearance, who resembled a demon, but with a fragile tone, this inconsistent contrast made Yan Huan's heart soften.

Did he think that he fell in love with someone else, that's why he was demoted?
"As for me, I came down to the mortal world to cross the tribulation. If I can successfully cross the tribulation, I can return to the heavens. If I fail to cross the tribulation, I am afraid that I will have to endure a few more lives."

He didn't know what crossing robbery was.

He only knew that he didn't want her to get hurt, nor did he want her to leave him.

But it would be a bit selfish to ask her to give up her fairy identity and stay in the world and only accompany him for decades.

Ying Zheng held her hand under the quilt, and the curtain in front of him was embroidered with red tangerine branches, clustered with flowers and leaves, full of vitality.

"Is your robbery mine?"

"It should be."

"How can you succeed in crossing the tribulation?"

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, she didn't know how to pass the tribulation successfully.

"Maybe you will live up to me in this life, treat me well."

Ying Zheng's eyes darkened, and the candlelight outside the curtain was blown by the wind. In the dim room, Yan Huan leaned on his arm, closed his eyes and sighed softly.

"The years are long, I will accompany you for a long time, don't worry."

 I didn’t give up on writing, it’s just that I’m too busy and today my aunt
  If you don't have a stomachache tomorrow, you can at least four watch
(End of this chapter)

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