Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1536 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1536 Back to the country, step by step towards you (17)

A good night's dream.

Although the candles were still on, it was indeed the night that Yingzheng slept the most peacefully. In the morning, Aman knocked on the door and said that he would go to court. Realize where you sleep.

Aman bit the bullet and knocked on the door again, "Your Majesty, it's time to get up early."

There was a faint movement of getting up quietly in the room. Aman waved to the palace people behind him, and gently pushed open the door. A group of people went in with things and prepared to wait and wash.

Ying Zheng got up and bit his finger, smeared some blood on the bed sheet, and tucked Yan Huan into the quilt before getting out of bed.

"His Majesty."

He raised his hand to stop Ah Man's words, and walked lightly to the outside room to change clothes.

The early spring morning was still chilly, so Aman hurriedly changed Ying Zheng's clothes, "It's cold outside, Your Majesty should go back to the inner room to change."

"The sound of washing will wake her up, tell her to sleep more, it's still early."

Aman was stunned for a while before remembering to tie Ying Zheng's belt.

I have never seen His Majesty care about others, but now he really cares about Mrs. Caiwei.

Even in the outside room, the voice of the waiter was still very low, and finally the door closed with a slight creak. Ying Zheng looked at the rising sun in the east, feeling refreshed.

Yan Huan woke up naturally after sleeping, because of Ying Zheng's order, no one came to wake her up, and the romping and chirping birds in the yard were also carefully chased away by the palace people.

She woke up a little dazed, chatted with Ying Zheng a little late last night, and forgot when she fell asleep.

Ah Ling heard the movement of getting up inside, so she opened the bead curtain and came in, "Madam is going to get up?"

Yan Huan lazily hummed, she lifted the quilt and rolled up the curtains, the palace people waited aside, A Ling saw a touch of red on the quilt with sharp eyes, and her face flushed immediately.

"What time is it?"

A Ling quickly turned her eyes away, "If you go back to Madam, it will be noon in a quarter of an hour."

Sleep until noon? !
A Ling changed Yan Huan's clothes, and said, "Aman just came to deliver a message that His Majesty is coming to Yuluan Palace for lunch at noon, and there is one more thing..."

She faltered, "There is no empress in the palace. According to the rules, Madam has to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager the next day after attending bedtime. Your Majesty said that Madam is ill. Do you want to greet the Empress Dowager now?"

Although it was said that he was ill, didn't Ying Zheng rest in the Yuluan Hall last night?
Outsiders must be thinking, if you can serve in the bedroom, why can't you greet the queen mother?
Originally, Ying Zheng treats her special now, so it is easy to attract people's jealousy, and there must be no mistakes in the rules. The last time the Queen Mother came to see her, she had been turned back. If she doesn't go this time, she must be arrogant.

"Let's go, let's say that I'm not fully recovered from my illness, I went to bed late last night, and woke up late because I was unwell."

A Ling nodded, and told the palace people to serve quickly, and she would come back to accompany His Majesty for dinner at noon.

According to the world information given by the system, the relationship between Queen Mother Zhao and Ying Zheng is not very good, and the personality of Queen Mother Zhao is not friendly. She is late this time, so she probably doesn't have a good face.

If it was a concubine, she could still brazenly rely on her favor to be proud and not be bullied, but the other party was Ying Zheng's own mother, so she still had to be superficially filial no matter what.

"Change to a more plain dress, say you are sick, how can you wear a fancy dress that is not sick at all? You don't need to put on makeup anymore, eh, wait, is this makeup? White? Come on, come on, touch my lips Put some on."


  Ahhhhhhhhhhh the promised fourth watch, I have no face to see you
(End of this chapter)

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