Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 154 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 154 Everything is Calculated (6)

Zhuge Liang did not come down, but Yang Nuan did.

She smiled softly, and Yan Huan's jealousy became even more sour.

As a woman herself, she would be dazzled by Yang Nuan's smile, let alone Zhuge Liang.

Moreover, she has no competitiveness at all!

Yan Huan straightened her back, her chest was still flat.


Yang Nuan leaned over, rubbed her hair, smiling amiably.

"The kitty just changed to a new environment and is not used to it. It will be fine after a while, so don't worry too much."

Yan Huan lowered his head, his tone was stiff, "Oh..."

At the end, I added another sentence.

"Thank you, Auntie..."

Yang Nuan:. . .

She stretched out her hand to rub Yan Huan's hair again, put her fingers together, and from her long hair, a broken hair came down, and she quietly held it in her hand.

Yang Nuan looked at Yan Huan meaningfully, then turned and walked out the door.

The kitten in his arms meowed, and suddenly there was a chill in his body, Yan Huan belatedly looked up...

Zhuge Liang was leaning on the railing on the second floor, looking at her expressionlessly.

His silver-white short hair hung in front of his forehead, his light blue eyes were calm and unwavering, his thin lips were pursed, and he looked cold and indifferent as if he was not a person in the mortal world.

Then, Zhuge Liang went downstairs.

Walking in front of Yan Huan step by step, he stopped two meters away from her, feeling oppressive all around.

Yan Huan felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Lin Yao."

Yan Huan shrank back.

Generally being called a daimyo is a prelude to beating you up.

"The kitten can't pull it out... ahem, you want to report to me?"

Yan Huan lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhuge Liang raised his eyebrows, his eyes were a little dangerous, and the home clothes on him were as intimidating as a military uniform.

The little girl only reached his chest, her head drooping in a pitiful look, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, she was extremely wronged.

Although I know that she is not a little girl, but...

The fierce words still did not come out.

This is not in the army, you are facing big men.

For such a little girl, it really is...

There is no way to take her.

No way, child abuse, right?
Lin Yao is indeed a child now.

Zhuge Liang had a headache for a moment.

"It's not an example."

Yan Huan blinked in disbelief.

Is this over?

She raised her head and glanced at him cautiously, Zhuge Liang's brows and eyes were full of helplessness.

He added another sentence with a cold face, slamming every word, and his cold voice was nice, with helpless depression.

"From now on, as long as it's not about life and death, no, want, call me."

Yan Huan raised his head and looked at him anxiously, his wet eyes were like a begging puppy, and his tone was weak.

"Then from now on...can you stop being alone with girls..."

Surprise flashed across Zhuge Liang's eyes.

This was the first time he was asked by others.

Still asked by a little girl.

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips and laughed softly, his face softened a lot, his voice was deep and magnetic, and it touched Yan Huan's heart, numb.

He seemed to be curious, but also probing, his eyes were fixed on Yan Huan's round eyes, as if he wanted to see the flaws in them.


His gaze was too hot, Yan Huan twisted his fingers, his cheeks were flushed, and he spoke in a weak voice.

"because I like you."

Zhuge Liang was stunned.

For a long time, there have been many girls who have confessed to him.

But this one...

He lowered his head and looked up and down again.

Thin as bean sprouts, with a flat front and a flat back, if she was naked, she probably wouldn't be able to tell if it was a boy or a girl.

Such a big kid?
like him?
Zhuge Liang twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he heard a funny joke.

"Kid, don't think about puppy love."

 Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 399 book coins~

  dear dear~

  When Yan Huan returns to 20 years old, he will become a busty...

  Blind brother Zhuge's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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