Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 155 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 155 Everything is Calculated (7)

Yan Huan snorted disdainfully, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Why can't children like people?"

She raised her eyebrows, although she was at a disadvantage in terms of height, it did not affect her domineering confession to Zhuge Liang at all.

"I'm going to like you!"

"I prefer to like you!"

I want to sleep with you!

Of course, the last sentence was said in her heart.

The smile on the corners of Zhuge Liang's lips widened, and the radiance in his eyes made him less cold.

He turned around and walked up the stairs slowly, with a straight back, a slender figure, and a light and cold voice, as disgusted as ever.

"I'm not interested in bean sprouts."

Yan Huan watched him enter the study upstairs, secretly clenched his fists!

You ignored me today.

Tomorrow I will have long legs with protruding front and back, if you want to cling to me, I will kick you away! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Yan Huan ground his teeth, and angrily sat back on the sofa to watch TV. It was dark from noon.

With a grunt in her stomach, she realized that it was already past dinner time.

But someone in the study upstairs didn't come out all afternoon.

Is this person not hungry?
Yan Huan frowned and rubbed his belly.

Eating is a matter of life and death, right?

Yan Huan cleared his throat, raised his head and shouted upstairs.

"Master Zhuge! I'm hungry!"

a while.

There was a low and cold sound from the study.

"There's something to eat in the fridge."

Yan Huan poked inwardly, stepped on his slippers, and slowly opened the refrigerator.

There is indeed something to eat in it, but...

It's all cold.

And the shape is strange, the color is weird, and it is impossible to tell what kind of vegetable it is, how to eat it?

Yan Huan silently jotted down another note in his small notebook.

Very good, Zhuge Liang.

Little flames flickered in her dark pupils.

When I finish teasing you and complete the task, the cold water you poured on me will one day be poured into your head by Dad!
Yan Huan was on fire in her heart, she rummaged through the refrigerator, and finally pulled out a box of disposable ingredients.

"Nutrition instant noodles?"

Seeing instant noodles is like seeing a relative (╥_╥)

Yan Huan sucked on the noodles, picked up the box and drank a few mouthfuls of noodle soup, then slumped on the chair satisfied.

A certain bright upstairs finally went downstairs slowly.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw Yan Huan slumped on the chair in Ge You's paralyzed posture, with some soup stains around his mouth, and his round eyes were shining brightly, like a well-fed, obedient and soft puppy .

He glanced at the things on the table, raised his eyebrows indifferently, and said nothing.

So happy to eat instant noodles?
Children are really easy to satisfy.

He snapped his fingers handsomely, "Da."

In the corner, a black round box immediately started to move, like magic, turning into a robot with a roulette on its feet!

Real-life Transformers? !

Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°;
Zhuge Liang opened the refrigerator door, with slender long fingers, picked the ingredients that Yan Huan had messed up inside, frowned and thought for a while, then spoke lightly.

"Boiled pork slices, steamed sea bass, stir-fried snow peas, winter melon and ham soup."

There were red circles in the robot's eyes, and a few seconds later, the green "Yes" letter popped out.

Zhuge Liang still went to wash his hands slowly. The robot stood in front of the refrigerator door, and the robotic arm flexibly took out the ingredients to be used from it and entered the kitchen.

Yan Huan watched the whole process dumbfounded!
And this kind of operation? !
Then why did she eat instant noodles just now?
 Thanks to opple for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Huayan Phantom for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Hug you and kiss and show off your cute meow~

  Is there a little fairy who wants to vote for recommendation?
  No, I'll ask again later~

(End of this chapter)

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