Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 156 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 156 Everything is Calculated (8)

When Zhuge Liang came back after washing his hands, Yan Huan was already shrouded in gray and bad breath.

Miserable, the round eyes were full of annoyance, and, when looking at the kitchen, stark desire.

He almost invisibly bent the corner of his lower lip, and returned to his usual coldness and indifference.

Yan Huan: I feel like a salted fish (╥_╥)
In silence, the robot brought up the dishes one after another.

Yan Huan curled his lips miserably, staring eagerly at the steaming dish, wanting to glue his eyeballs to it.

"Want to eat?"

Yan Huan curled his lips and said nothing.

But her expression was so obvious that even her eyes were drooling.

Zhuge Liang bent his lips again, trying to tease her.

"Take two sets of cutlery."

The robot got the instruction, slid to the kitchen, and came out with two sets of tableware.

Yan Huan was overjoyed!
Whoops, I can't tell, the tall and cold ice man is still so kind?

The compliments secretly prodded in his heart quickly passed by like a barrage of bullets.

Just as Yan Huan stretched out his hand to take the tableware from the robot, Zhuge Liang took both sets away suddenly.

Yan Huan: (ー_ー)
Zhuge Liang pinched the handle of the spoon with his long fingers, scooping up the soup slowly and elegantly, as if he was not eating, but playing the piano.

He filled a ladle of soup for himself, took another bowl, filled a bowl of rice, took some dishes, and ate with relish.

Yan Huan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Zhuge Liang! ! !
you! !

Very good very good, me, where is my knife...

Zhuge Liang looked at Yan Huan whose face was turning green, and felt inexplicably relieved and very happy.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he calmly pushed the bowl of soup to Yan Huan.

Yan Huan instantly returned from the state of fried hair to a smooth-haired little milk dog.

She blinked her eyes a few times, and looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously. The man chewed slowly and did not speak.

Yan Huan smiled silly.

Picking up the spoon and preparing to drink the soup, Zhuge Liang spoke after chewing.

"Just, let me smell it."

What? ! Σ(°△°|||)
Yan Huan shook the hand holding the spoon uncontrollably.

His dark face looked like a small volcano about to erupt!
She knocked the spoon on the table with a "slap", her face flushed, her eyes were filled with mist, she was angry and aggrieved.

"Zhuge Liang! If I take a bite of the food on this table today, my surname will not... um..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhuge Liang picked up a piece of ham with his own chopsticks, and stuffed it into her mouth accurately!
Yan Huan: Σ(°Д°;
Ah hello! !
Don't feed inexplicably!
I am very angry now! (kimbo ing)

Her angry little expression was still frozen on her face, Zhuge Liang smiled, her light blue eyes were as clear as a lake, but inside, there was an obvious smile of success.

Yan Huan: How angry!I really want to beat up the Raiders! !
"Okay, let's eat."

The smile on his lips still hasn't faded away. It seems that the teasing just now really pleased him.

Black belly!



Yan Huan gritted his teeth, countless small knives flew out of his eyes!
"How can children eat instant noodles? You are growing up now."

Zhuge Liang filled a bowl of soup for himself, drank it leisurely, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, still grinning.

Yan Huan was immersed in his sudden concern.

He reached out and rubbed Yan Huan's head, his voice was cold, but there was a teasing smile.

"Eat well, or you'll be making bean sprouts for the rest of your life."

Yan Huan:. . .

Wait, let me find my big knife and hack you to death! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

 Mengmeng: Master Zhuge, minors are the flowers of the motherland, it's not good for you to bully me like this?
  Master Zhuge raised his eyebrows: Isn't it normal for the flowers of the motherland to withstand some wind and rain?
  Mengmeng:. . .

  Master Zhuge rubbed his chin: The wind and rain seem to be a bit...

  Mengmeng thought that his conscience had found out.


  Master Zhuge: It’s a little less, it would be better to add some lightning and thunder.

  Mengmeng vomits blood...

(End of this chapter)

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