Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 157 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 157 Everything is Calculated (9)

In the small book, Zhuge Liang's black account was added.

Yan Huan ground his teeth, looked at Zhuge Liang's handsome face, took a big bite of ham, and chewed it bitterly.

bite you!
Big belly black!
Her belly was round after eating, and she finally put down the bowl and chopsticks with satisfaction.

Yan Huan licked his lips, stared at the robot beside him, and pointed to the table.

"Well, you... clean this up..."

The robot's eyes shot red light, scanned Yan Huan from head to toe, and tilted his head.

"Sorry, No. 001 is unable to execute orders from strangers."

Yan Huan:. . .

Zhuge Liang hooked his lips and smiled.

Yan Huan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Hate!It's too embarrassing for me!

She curled her lips, although her face was embarrassed, she raised her chin and spoke arrogantly.

"Master Zhuge! Your robot is too low! It's better to sell it as scrap iron!"

Yan Huan pushed away the chair, deliberately slammed on the slippers, and went back to the room without looking back.

001 blinked his electronic eyes.

"No. 001 is the newly developed intelligent robot 2.1 enhanced version, not low."

With a smile on the corner of Zhuge Liang's lips, he looked meaningfully at the little girl's bedroom door, and snapped his fingers again.

No. 001 retracted into the corner again, turning into an unremarkable silver-gray round box.

The duplex villa is very large, and the decoration is according to his preference, using only three colors of black, white and gray, cool tones, just like him, cold and indifferent.

A wise man is alone.

When a person is on top of a peak, and this peak is not something ordinary people can climb to.

He neither wants to come down and blend in with ordinary people, nor does he want to stand alone on the top of the mountain, so strong that he is lonely.

Lonely to awkward, slowly, even the most basic relationship between people can not.

But he is a wise man and a strong man, and he cannot allow himself to be a little imperfect.

So he is cold, unapproachable, and rejects people thousands of miles away.

Everyone thinks that he is strong, but in fact he is so lonely that it cannot be said.

Cool master, cool home.

The appearance of Lin Yao added a lively atmosphere of fireworks to the coldness.

This is something Zhuge Liang has never experienced.

He felt, it felt good.

Not disgusted.

In the future life, apart from working and sleeping, there will be more interesting things to tease people.

Also good.

Zhuge Liang bent his lips again and entered the study.

Yan Huan in the bedroom on the first floor sneezed loudly.

There is a villain scolding me behind my back!
Yan Huan snorted coldly, and secretly complained about Zhuge Liang.

Not not reporting, time is not here!
Shower and sleep!

At night, Yan Huan slept very restlessly.

She frowned tightly, her face was pale, she curled up in the bed, whimpering, as if she had a nightmare.

In the dream, she was in a laboratory full of machinery and parts.

The surroundings are blurry, there is a figure, leaning towards her, she shrinks back instinctively!
Suddenly, my heart hurts!
She is afraid, scared, confused...

The person in the dream couldn't see his face clearly, so he kept repeating guiltily, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me..."

The little fold-eared cat was awakened by Yan Huan's voice. It licked its paws, jumped onto the bed, and obediently rubbed against Yan Huan through the quilt.

Its owner was sweating coldly, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

It opened a pair of black eyes, as black and clear as its owner. It didn't understand what was wrong with the owner. After meowing twice, it found a comfortable position at the end of the bed, lay down and continued to sleep.

"no, do not want!"

With trembling fear in Yan Huan's broken voice, he subconsciously yelled out!

She woke up with a start!
 Thank you Fengjiu for not drinking and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to opple for rewarding 100 book coins~

  After taking cold medicine, I will write another chapter if I don’t fall asleep for a while. If I fall asleep, I will make it up tomorrow~
  Because there are a lot of recommendation votes and rewards from everyone every week, so it will be updated on weekends~
  thanks for your support!
  Knock a polite 180-degree bow! (˙▽˙)
(End of this chapter)

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