Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1550 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1550 Back to the country, step by step towards you (31)

Ying Zheng didn't hide Yan Huan's pregnancy. In order to silence the ministers, he directly said that the concubine Chen was pregnant with a dragon heir, and he couldn't bear to let the concubine Chen's mood swings hurt her body, so he didn't accept new couples this year.

Yan Huan expressed this reason, and only the emperor Ying Zheng could say it.

The empress dowager thought that the concubine Chen was pregnant and it was not easy to serve Yingzheng, so she wanted to give her nieces to Yingzheng, but Yingzheng said that before the concubine Chen's fetal gas was stable, he would have to eat a vegetarian diet. , Thinking that the child in the womb of Concubine Chen prayed for blessings.

Naturally, she can't have intercourse if she is plain.

So what are the nieces of the queen mother to serve?
When Ah Ling told Yan Huan about this, she laughed so hard that she almost spat out the plum in her mouth, she couldn't believe it, "Really?"

It's already midsummer, and the body temperature of pregnant women is higher than that of ordinary people. A Ling fanned her lightly and nodded, "Returning to Madam, it is absolutely true. It was passed by Aman. It is said that the empress dowager's face changed at that time." It's beautiful."

Yan Huan ate ice plums, she pursed her lips and smiled again, thanks to Ying Zheng's ability to come up with such bad reasons, she was not afraid of being reprimanded by Queen Mother Zhao.

She really couldn't serve him in that matter in the first few months of her pregnancy, and she certainly didn't want Ying Zheng to spoil other women at this time, no matter what the reason was.

In modern times, isn't this the same as when your wife is pregnant and you cheated on yourself?
She felt a little sleepy after eating the plums. At noon, the sun was the most scorching, and the flowers, trees and plants in the yard were all as golden as gold, and the heat was stuffy. A Ling fanned her for a while and persuaded , "Your Majesty, let's go back to the inner room. There is ice in the inner room, so it's much cooler."

Yan Huan propped his head up and looked at the red carps and lotus leaves in the small pond. Except for the hot weather in midsummer, everything is full of vitality.

"Your Majesty has been discussing matters more and more frequently in the past few days, but what happened?"

A Ling shook her head, "People in the harem are not allowed to inquire about the affairs of the court. As the lord of a country, it is normal for His Majesty to have many things to discuss."

She also knew it was normal, but every time he came back these two days, his face was gloomy, but when he saw her, he immediately turned gentle again.

She always wanted to help him, instead of just staying here and worrying about raising the baby like a salted fish.

"His Majesty is here!"

There was a long shout outside the door, and the emperor entered the hall with a guard of honor. Ying Zheng, who was walking in the front, walked very fast with his hands behind his back. Aman couldn't keep up with him even if he held an umbrella for him.

Today's atmosphere is more depressing than before. The palace people behind Ying Zheng are trembling, their heads are bowed and they dare not breathe.

She supported A Ling's hand and stood up, intending to walk down the steps to meet him, but Ying Zheng quickly came up to support her body, with reproachful eyes, "Why come down to meet me, it's not like I can't walk."

Yan Huan raised his hand to caress his frowning brows, "I know you're in a bad mood recently, and I want to hug you to make you happier."

Ying Zheng raised his eyes in surprise, "How can you tell that I'm in a bad mood?"

Yan Huan was speechless, his expression was clearly pale, but his expression was better after seeing her, so why not ask if he is in a good mood?
"The ministers are bothering you again? Is it because of me?"

Ying Zheng took her hand and supported her still slender waist with the other hand. He didn't answer her question, and turned away, "What do you like for lunch? I heard that you like eating sour food more recently. Hot girl, this baby is probably a little prince."

(End of this chapter)

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