Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1551 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1551 Back to the country, step by step towards you (32)

Yan Huan was successfully led astray by him.

"What you think about every day is the little prince. Don't tell me you don't like having a little princess?"

Ying Zheng caressed her lower abdomen, his tone was quite affirmative, "If this baby is a little prince, next time we have a little princess, don't worry, take your time."

"If you want to give birth to yourself, give birth to yourself!"

"How can I give birth by myself? If I could give birth by myself, I would have given birth to seven or eight princes long ago to stop the mouths of those pedantic old officials!"

Yan Huan choked, pinched him, and helped A Ling's hand into the inner room. As soon as she entered, Ying Zheng's gentle eyes turned cold instantly.

He asked Xiang Aman, "Are those stubborn people still kneeling at the door of the imperial study?"

Aman nodded with an ugly face, "Just now when the imperial study came to report, they were still kneeling. It's noon and the sun is very strong. Some elderly adults can't stand it anymore."

Yingzheng frowned, remembering that Xuanwei was still in the inner room, he didn't yell at him, but gritted his teeth with a gloomy face, "I can't bear it? Did I ask them to endure it?! Everyone cares about politics and cares about the orphans." The family affairs are amazing!"

He stepped into the hall angrily, turned around and told Aman, "If you want to kneel, tell them to kneel enough! The news is sealed in the palace, and anyone who spreads it will be heard by Xuan Wei, and all of them will be wiped out!" "

This cold and cautious tone is still that cold-faced emperor who killed and ruthless.

Ying Zheng is still the same Ying Zheng, and His Majesty is still the same Majesty.

The only tenderness in his life was given to Xuan Wei alone.

Aman nodded, "I know."

The group of ministers knelt in the imperial study room, planning to persuade His Majesty to cast Concubine Chen into the cold palace.

Concubine Chen suddenly appeared in the fairy temple at the beginning, and the statue of Xuannv suddenly disappeared. It was said that Concubine Chen was a Xuannv descending to earth, but now it is said that Concubine Chen is a fairy transformed from the white jade statue.

Whoever tampered with something in it has not been found out yet.

It's just that those ministers knelt at the door of the imperial study room without saying a word. His majesty did not agree to throw the concubine Chen into the cold palace and destroy the demon species. They would rather kneel in front of the imperial study room for a long time.

But how could His Majesty be a person controlled by others?
Aman raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling anxious.

On one side are the courtiers, and on the other side is His Majesty's favorite woman, who is still pregnant.

Worry, if he finds out about these goddamn rumors, he will definitely cut out his tongue!
More than half an hour later, Ying Zheng was taking a nap with Yan Huan, Aman hurried over from the imperial study, and was about to open the curtain to go in to report, when A Ling grabbed him.

"What are you doing? Your Majesty is taking a nap with your empress, don't be disturbed!"

Aman was so anxious that he almost jumped up and down, "Something happened! Something really happened! The empress dowager is in the imperial study now, and she wants the concubine Chen to see her!"

A Ling frowned, "Empress Dowager? Why do you want to meet my empress in the imperial study?"

Aman hesitated again and again, but opened the curtain and rushed in, knocked on the door of the inner room, "Your Majesty?"

There was movement from inside the curtain, Ying Zheng put on his outer clothes and came out, and glanced at him displeased, "You don't want your head anymore? What did Gu say before?"

Aman hurriedly said, "Your Majesty! Three old ministers passed out at the gate of the Imperial Study! One of them is probably dying. The Empress Dowager is furious in the Imperial Study right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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