Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1552 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1552 Back to the country, step by step towards you (33)

Ying Zheng glanced at the people in the curtain, but there was no movement, and he was not woken up.

He glared at Aman, and walked out with a cold face, "Don't yell! Go to the imperial study now!"

The entrance of the imperial study room was in chaos, and one of the fainted ones was the emperor.

This imperial teacher not only taught Yingzheng, but also Yingzheng's father. He is highly respected and always only recognizes the truth but not people. Yingzheng has always respected this teacher.

Yingzheng's doting on concubine Chen is indeed too much, and the emperor who has always been decisive and cold-hearted, suddenly changed his temper one day, and everyone couldn't help but think that he was bewitched by the goblin.

The Empress Dowager Zhao stood at the door of the imperial study with an angry face, several old ministers who fainted were helped to a cool place, and the imperial doctors were dispersing the heat for them.

Empress Dowager Zhao's words were scorching, "For days, there has been severe drought and famine in the north, floods and plagues in the south, and disasters in all directions. The heavens have brought great disasters to our Great Qin. Isn't the emperor awakened?!"

Ying Zheng raised his eyes, but the coldness in his eyes did not melt away under the sunlight, "What is awakening?"

"Don't you understand? Concubine Chen is an evildoer! Right now Daqin is full of divine punishment from heaven, just to let you see clearly, that woman is the evildoer who harmed my Daqin!"

"Your Majesty! The vision from the sky is just for warning!"

"With the removal of the demon concubine, only my Daqin can stabilize its foundation for generations to come!"

"Your Majesty, don't be fooled by evildoers for a while, the country is the most important thing!"

The ministers kowtowed again and again, Ying Zheng's expression was cold, and he suddenly smiled strangely.

"Forget it, isn't it just to get Gu to execute Concubine Chen and let other women enter the palace?"

He smiled again, "Actually, it's not very difficult. Since you have also said that the visions of natural disasters in all directions are from the heavens to warn the orphans, so after the orphans execute the concubine Chen and then admit new people into the palace, this vision, Should it be eliminated by itself?"

The crowd was silent for a moment.

There is something in the words, His Majesty will never agree to execute Concubine Chen so easily.

"Yes, if your family has daughters and granddaughters of the right age, they can all be sent to the palace."

He looked at Empress Dowager Zhao with a sneering look in his eyes, "There are also those lonely cousins ​​who now live in Yu'an Palace, and they are also included in the harem."

Everyone was confused, Ying Zheng walked towards the cabinet of Yushufang, stopped, and turned around to add a sentence.

"However, if these newcomers enter the palace and the severe drought and floods are still unresolved, then these women are all evildoers, and their relatives are all evildoers. Is it okay to punish the whole clan?"

The kneeling crowd behind them were all stunned on the spot, and no one spoke for a while.

Yingzheng strode into the imperial study room, and the kneeling ministers began to howl one after another to kill the demon concubine. On the side of the Qing emperor, he frowned, his murderous intent was evident, and his tone was cold.

"The ones who yell the most, get dragged out by Gu!"

Aman was already sweating profusely. Since Concubine Chen entered the palace, His Majesty has not been so angry for a long time.

There are severe droughts and floods every year, but this year those ministers are holding on to this, insisting that the concubine Chen is a demon, which is a warning from heaven.

"Punish the Nine Clans."

When the three characters landed, Aman fell to his knees in fright and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Think twice, Your Majesty! If you punish the officials of the nine clans, you may lose the loyalty of other officials in the court!"

Ying Zheng looked at Aman who was kneeling coldly. He never cared about other people's life or death.

"Use your loyalty in the lonely harem's family affairs? If you are so loyal, throw it to the dogs!"

(End of this chapter)

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