Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1553 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1553 Back to the country, step by step towards you (34)

The situation in the harem is treacherous, and the previous dynasty is also shrouded in the low pressure of killing cold.

Ying Zheng never threatens people with words, he directly silences those who speak.

The quietest thing in this world is the dead.

In the previous dynasty, eight officials had been exterminated because of the sidelines of the Qing emperor, and countless civilians had been arrested and killed. For a time, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty was filled with blood, and people were panicked.

Ying Zheng has never been a good person.

As a monarch and emperor, he is indeed a talent for governing the country and can properly control the entire country, but when he is tyrannical, he is also inhuman and cruel, treating human life like an ant.

The king's crushing, if you want to kill a person, it's as simple as crushing an ant.

Xuanwei is his bottom line.

He didn't allow anyone to hurt her, even if he had the thought of hurting her, he would have to die.

The cruel measures did stop the rumors that spread everywhere. After the bloodbath, the capital returned to its usual tranquility. The content of the discussion above the court was all about how to deal with the severe drought and floods.

Although His Majesty's private affairs are also state affairs, after this bloodbath, everyone understands.

That concubine Chen is a piece of meat on the tip of His Majesty's heart.

Will you dig out the flesh from the tip of your heart because of other people's few words?

In this world, no matter how cold and ruthless a person is, there will be weaknesses. Whether the concubine Chen is a fairy or a monster, she is nothing but His Majesty's treasure in the harem of Daqin.

Yan Huan is five months pregnant.

The little boy in her belly began to move, and when she started to move, her protruding belly sometimes turned to one side, which scared her so much that she didn't know what to do.

A Ling said that since she was pregnant, she has become more and more like a child. Ying Zheng wished to watch over her all day and all night. He has never seen a woman give birth, but he has always heard that a woman gives birth to go to hell. suffer.

Like Xuanwei, he is looking forward to the arrival of this child, and he is also afraid that when Xuanwei gives birth, will she...

There was too much blood on his hands, for the sake of the throne, he could even get rid of his own brother, but now, in order to stop the rumors, his hands were full of blood again, and he did these outrageous things during Xuanwei's pregnancy Things.

Ying Zheng never worried that he would suffer retribution, he was afraid that retribution would happen to the people he loved and cared about the most.

In midsummer, the heat is getting heavier.

Ying Zheng already forbade Yan Huan to go outside the palace, the heat was hot outside, it was very stuffy, the scorching sun was on top, everything reflected was not as vibrant as the sun, and he was drooping and listless.

An ice shelf was set up in the inner room, and the copper basin was filled with ice cubes. A few maids fanned the cool breeze, and Yan Huan lay on the soft couch and fell asleep again.

Ying Zheng, who was approving the memorial, got up and put a thin quilt on her body.

"Why is your empress getting more and more lethargic?"

A Ling bowed and said, "Returning to Your Majesty, the imperial doctor also said that this is normal. It is easy to get tired in the hot weather, and the empress is pregnant with the little prince, so she is more lethargic than ordinary people."

He glanced at the woman's slightly plump figure, recalling that during this time he held her to bed at night, he felt that her figure had indeed grown a little.

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't dare to say it.

Women always care about their appearance and figure. If she is fat, she has one more thing to worry about all day long.

"Your Majesty wakes up, remember to help her move around in the inner room, it will also be conducive to childbirth in the future."

Ying Zheng stopped the pen and stood up, and Aman leaned over, "Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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