Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1570 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1570 Back to the country, step by step towards you (51)

Although the candle holders in the side hall blew, the murmur in the hall continued.

The voice of the woman on the soft couch was lazy and sleepy. After bathing, her face was less harsh, and reflected by the faint moonlight, she was a little soft. Her wet hair was loose, and behind her, Nurse Guan was gently twisting her long hair with a veil. There were water stains on her hair, and there was a person dressed as a maid kneeling in front of the soft couch, she asked slowly.

"Have you remembered all of them?"

There was a servant girl kneeling in front of the couch, she bowed her head, her forehead pressed against the back of her hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "The slave has memorized everything."

"That's good."

Empress Dowager Zhao recalled the concubine Chen she saw today, and felt depressed for a while. Seeing her living well, she was really panicked, her belly was so big. Fortunately, she planned early, and her belly would not wait until full term. pregnancy.

"Everything is as Nanny Guan said to you before, you don't have to panic, there won't be any problems with Aijia."

The maidservant did not move her bowed head, and agreed in a low voice, "Here."

The hoarse voice is like a person who has not recovered from the wind and cold, rough and weak, and lacks energy.

"You go down."

The maidservant's posture finally moved, she got up from the ground and didn't stand up straight, but hunched over and timidly retreated to the outer room.

"It seems inappropriate to put him in the outer room..."

The Empress Dowager Zhao finally opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes were half closed lazily, and she was a little worried. Madam Guan wrung out her long hair, cleaned her hands, rubbed her temples, and said in relief, "There are other maids outside, and now The ones brought out from the palace this time are all clever ones, and they will definitely not cause any trouble to the empress."

"Aijia is not worried about what will happen to him, even with his courage, he will not have any thoughts about what will happen to Aijia."

The queen mother sat up propped up from the soft couch, her sharp eyes faded, she lowered her eyes halfway, and sighed faintly, "After planning for many days, if it can be accomplished at one stroke, it will also be a heavy heart for Aijia. , I'm afraid there will never be a second time for such a favorable time and place."

Guan Nanny flattered her, "It will definitely be possible, our plan is foolproof, and besides, General Xu also agreed with your mother..."

The Empress Dowager turned her head coldly, and stopped Nanny Guan's next words with her eyes.

"Don't act rashly. Since you've waited for so long, it's not too late. Tell them not to rush, and they will let others know when they start mourning."

Guan Nanny said yes in a gentle voice.

The night is as usual, and the wind tonight is cooler than before. We are in the same hall, but the people on both sides have their own thoughts. Everyone knows that there will not be much more quiet time like this. Behind this peace, there is always What is going to roll is approaching with a huge wind and rain.


It was rare for Yan Huan to be thinking wildly and sleep peacefully when he was worried. When he woke up early in the morning, he could smell the grassy dew outside the window.

The sun was bright and warm, the curtains swayed lightly, and the morning wind seemed to be blowing all the way from the lake, mixed with a faint smell of rotten lotus leaves. During pregnancy, she was more sensitive to smells than usual, Yan Huan frowned and wanted to gag.

She was just about to order someone to serve a bowl of sour plum soup, when the bead curtain slammed softly, and she heard Fang Qing's footsteps coming in, she asked feebly, "What time is it?"

Lan Chun said, "If you go back to your mother, it's a quarter of an hour. Do you want to get up now?"

Maoshi, I woke up early enough today.

Yan Huan supported his stomach and slowly propped up his body, leaned against the head of the bed, opened the curtains and drooped his eyes, "Get up, go for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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