Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1571 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1571 Back to the country, step by step towards you (52)

Lan Chun pursed his lips hesitantly, raised his eyes to look at her, bit his lower lip, and knelt down in front of the bed, "Damn the maidservant, the maidservant has sued the empress dowager in front of the empress dowager without her permission." Sick leave, the empress has to be wronged in the main hall these few days, and can't go out of the hall to relax."

Yan Huan raised his head and half closed his eyes, "You really want to be considerate."

She sighed, full of exhaustion, "But it's hard to be comprehensive, that condescending person rushed over, how could he stop just because I was sick."

I just don't know what method it will be.

After all, she has a big belly now. Although the status of the Queen Mother is noble and the power is also great, but can she be bigger than the imperial decree and the dragon's heir?

Bao Xia hung up the curtain, raised his hand to gently press her temples, "Your Majesty, let's go to sleep again, it's still early, so you don't need to greet her left or right."

The voice of the person on the bed was low and tired, and he was not energetic, "I really can't figure out what she wants to do? It stands to reason that no matter how much she hates me, she won't make something at this time."

Lanchun also stood silently, "We are all on guard, your empress can rest assured."

"Since you can't leave the palace, then I won't dress up, and I'm too lazy, so let's take a walk here. By the way, my sour plum soup is here."

Lan Chun smiled and fanned her, "Your Majesty, let's eat the meal first and then order the plum soup, so as not to lose my appetite."

The sun slowly climbed up from the east. At noon, when it was the most sleepy and sluggish time, I was sweating without going anywhere. Lanchun and Baoxia waited on Yan Huan and prepared to take another bath. People say that the maidservants around the Empress Dowager brought some food over.

Bao Xia curled his lips angrily, and bowed stiffly, "Your Majesty is resting here, the servant girl will go ahead and have a look."

After saying that, she reluctantly retreated. Lan Chun felt uncomfortable but did not show it. Seeing the maidservants coming in with buckets of hot water, she felt restless. She couldn't help worrying about what was ahead, but she just hoped that nothing would happen. .

But she really came here as soon as she wanted, a maid hurriedly ran over in front of her, just about to speak, when she saw Yan Huan's expression paused, she hurriedly bowed, "I've seen your mother!"

She turned to Lanchun again, wringing her fingers anxiously, "Sister Lanchun! The sisters from the empress dowager's side are fighting with sister Baoxia!"

"What's going on?"

The voice was clear and light, Yan Huan took Lanchun's hand, as if he wanted to go there in person, Lanchun showed worry, and looked down helplessly, "Your Majesty, take a rest, maidservant and Sui'er go ahead and have a look, Liu Guang Go back to the moon and enter the house to serve the empress."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows, motioning for Sui'er to continue.

Sui'er stumbled a little anxiously, "The elder sisters said that it was the empress dowager's wish, and they brought the soup for her to drink, but elder sister Bao Xia didn't want to bother those elder sisters to serve her personally, but they refused, and hugged her Sister Xia's kind persuasion will be useless, now that the few people are arguing, I'm afraid it will alarm the empress dowager..."

Can you argue over such a trivial matter?

Lan Chun frowned, "What soup?"

Sui'er's voice was even softer, "It is said that it has been boiled for more than three hours, and after drinking it, it will surely give birth to a little prince."

Yan Huan laughed as he listened, "Why don't I go up and say, Ying Zheng likes the little princess better, so let's skip the soup."

Lanchun had no choice but to drag out her voice, "Your Majesty..."

Yan Huan became serious, "I'm not joking, who dares to fabricate the emperor's holy words?"

 This book has been blocked for a long time and finally released. Now that the dissertation is busy and there is time to finish it, it is really difficult
  How many people are still watching, please make a fuss in the comments of this chapter~

(End of this chapter)

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