Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1578 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1578 Back to the country, step by step towards you (59)

Su Qiu was supporting Yan Huan to step onto the table, sweating profusely from exhaustion, when there was a sharp cracking sound piercing the air from the outer hall——

"Stop fighting! General Xu is here!"

The soldier's voice was loud, and Fu Qiu's face turned pale, "Oh no! This is Queen Mother Zhao's person?!"

Liu Dong couldn't believe it, "General Xu? He is leading the Beijing Central Military Camp, but how could he help the Queen Mother? General Xu... is His Majesty's man!"

"I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, so take your mother out first!"

"Okay, Niang Niang comes with me, be careful, hold on to the handmaid's arm."

The window frame was kicked down by Liu Dong, she jumped out of the window first, and was about to help Yan Huan down, when the Queen Mother Zhao's people gathered around, a dagger was shot at Yan Huan's back with precision, and Wu Qiu flung it away with a sword, her palm was shaken violently numb.

Empress Dowager Zhao yelled, "Quickly surround the entire palace! The demon concubine wants to jump out of the window!"


Even if they jumped down, it was already too late, they were still vulnerable when people surrounded them.

Although the hidden guards left by Yingzheng are all elites, it is not known how many people are outside. If General Xu brings troops over, the chances of winning are not sure. In addition, the empress seems to have a miscarriage, so she took the empress to escape. The chances are even slimmer.

"Even if we fight to the death, we must protect the empress today!"

"Call... call the imperial physician..."

Yan Huan was half in a coma, grabbed Qiu Qiude's arm, and muttered, "The imperial doctor..."

Vu Qiu was so anxious that his eyes were red, but there was a group of Queen Mother Zhao and General Xu's soldiers outside. It was difficult to send the empress out, and it was impossible to bring the imperial physician in.

He heard Yan Huan call the system a few more times, complaining that Qiu didn't understand, and he didn't get an answer after asking several times.

"Let's go out."

Empress Dowager Zhao supported Nanny Guan's hand, her expression hard to hide her complacency, she took a look at Yan Huan who was half dead, and then led everyone Shi Shiran away.

Lan Chun gritted her teeth, "Although you are His Majesty's biological mother, Your Majesty is the lord of the world. If you treat Concubine Chen like this, are you really not afraid that His Majesty will destroy the Zhao family after returning to Beijing?!"

Empress Dowager Zhao smiled sweetly, "Oh, there are many people in Beijing who hate Concubine Chen. Assassination, murder, and everything can easily kill her. How can it be said that it was done by the Ai family?"

"The Ai family is kind-hearted. Even if they catch Concubine Chen having an affair with someone, they still want to save her life. His Majesty will make a decision after returning to Beijing. However, Concubine Chen feels ashamed to see His Majesty again, so she will end it first. The Ai family can't stop her." .”

"Furthermore, Concubine Chen eloped with others, killed her maidservants to silence her, and Ai's family sent people to track her down to no avail..."

She raised her hand and stroked her chin, seeming to be extremely conflicted, "Everyone is dead, how to say, but it depends on the living person of Aijia, there are too many explanations available, and Aijia doesn't know which one to choose for a while. good."

Lan Chun was so angry that his blood surged, "You despicable poisonous woman!"

The Empress Dowager Zhao looked at her deeply, her eyes darkened, "Aijia is kind, and I will leave you with a little time, so that you can scold me to your heart's content, but the whole body will no longer be given to you.",

She lifted her foot and stepped out of the hall door, and said coldly, "Set fire, anyone who wants to leave the hall will be shot to death with random arrows!"

A few rows of archers were waiting outside the hall. General Xu probably brought most of the soldiers from the barracks to encircle the island. It is really puzzling and resentful to act so recklessly for Queen Mother Zhao.

Lan Chun was about to lead the crowd to break out, Bao Xia helped Yan Huan to the bed, and called someone from the hidden guards who knew a lot about medicine to take Yan Huan's pulse, the man shook his head sadly.

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(End of this chapter)

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