Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1579 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1579 Back to the country, step by step towards you (60)

The fetal image is unstable, and there is bleeding again, which is a sign of miscarriage. The child in the womb has been there for so many months, and miscarriage is also the delivery of stillbirth in the womb.

This must be a fatal pain, the empress is not in good health.

"Is there really no other way?"

"Even if the imperial doctor comes, it's useless. I'm afraid the empress will... have a miscarriage."

"Absolutely not!"

"But now we can only try our best to save the life of the empress!"

Random arrows shot into the outer hall constantly, and they were besieged inside the hall. It was difficult for them alone to break out from the thousands of elite soldiers.

The battle of trapped beasts is nothing but lingering, dying struggles.

However, in addition to dealing with the rain of arrows, the hidden guards also had to prevent the passing soldiers from pouring tung oil into the hall, and the people in the inner room were busy taking care of the unconscious Yan Huan. After hearing the news from the side, he can bring people to support as soon as possible.

Lanchun helped the injured Baoxia, the blood-stained dress could no longer tell the original color, Baoxia wiped her face, blood and sweat mixed together, she bit the tip of her tongue and forced herself to stand up, "Isn't it going to go on like this?" The method, we use flesh and blood to fight a bloody way, we must send the empress out!"

"But the empress is pregnant..."

Hugging Xia Mo for a moment, her eyes were red and her voice was hoarse, "I can't keep my mother's child anymore."

"What did you say?"

The smell of tung oil in the hall was mixed with the smell of blood. People kept falling down and standing up with force, and Bao Xia ran into the inner room and asked Qiu, "What's the matter with your mother?"

The few people sitting around the bed were dumbfounded, the person taking the pulse sighed, his words were rough, he still had to grit his teeth and speak.

"I need to let the empress give birth to the stillborn baby earlier, otherwise the empress is afraid..."

Bao Xia's face turned pale, "What did you say?"

"No matter what method is used, the empress must give birth to the stillborn baby first, and I can't wait any longer. I also know how painful this is for the empress, but if I continue to hesitate, do I want to see both the empress and the child die?!"

"But the empress is in a coma now!"

"I can give the empress a needle."

Bao Xia looked at the pale Yan Huan on the bed, and then at the still protruding lower abdomen, feeling pain in his heart, how could the empress bear it when she woke up, she pinched her palms, pained and helpless, and said word by word, " Be sure to keep your empress, we can still hold on!"

There was a lot of noise in Ren's ears, but the person lying on the bed at the moment was quiet, and his breathing seemed to stop at any moment.

Su Qiu watched as the man pulled out the hairpin and pierced several acupoints on Yan Huan's body with the pointed end. Pass out again.


Xu Qiu hurriedly listened closely, it was the same word as before, I had never heard it mentioned by the empress before, so I didn't know what she was trying to express for a while.


No matter how severe the pain was, Yan Huan couldn't move his whole body. At this moment, his body and consciousness were separated, and in the haze, in the vast expanse of whiteness, he vaguely heard a soft mechanical sound.

"Player 438."

An all-too-familiar appellation.


"Due to an irreversible malfunction, the raid mission must be forcibly interrupted, and you need to leave this world."

"what is the problem?"

"In order not to affect the two intersecting parallel worlds, player No. 438 must now withdraw from this plane."

"But this plane hasn't finished yet, forced to leave? Is it because of a plot problem? If you help me, the plot will go on smoothly!"

(End of this chapter)

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