Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1580 Back to the country, step by step towards you

Chapter 1580 Back to the country, step by step towards you (61)

The system didn't pause at all, "It's beyond your control to come and go."

Just like she was bound to this system inexplicably at the beginning, it is not up to her to decide even to withdraw from the plane.

"But this plane didn't end satisfactorily. Didn't you say that if I quit halfway, I would be obliterated?"

"The true love value of the conquering character reaches 100 and the task specified by the plane is completed, it can be considered that the player has successfully conquered this plane."

The indifferent mechanical voice continued, "In this plane, the capture character Ying Zheng's true love value has reached 100, and there are no hidden tasks, it can be considered that the player has successfully captured this plane."

"But now... if I leave now, will I die in this plane? Because of a miscarriage?"

"Can't even give a happy ending?"

"What's wrong with asking me to leave all of a sudden?"

The system didn't respond, and she seemed to be alone in the world amidst the white chaos.

The perception and consciousness of the body seemed to be torn into two parts. She could clearly feel the pain as if the body was being torn apart, but it did not affect her conversation with the system at all. It seemed that her voice was louder than before. There is more strength in the plane.

[Forced withdrawal begins——]

Yan Huan heard his own voice trembling, "Are you crazy? Forcibly withdraw? I won't leave! Can you forcibly withdraw my consciousness?"

The system still didn't respond, the consciousness resisted strongly, her brain was throbbing, the ticking sound of the machine echoed softly in the white space, Yan Huan gritted her teeth, she didn't know how to grasp the memory, there were 1 reluctances in her heart, confrontation, stalemate, silence .

There was a sharp pain in her head, as if her body was being torn apart, she couldn't help crying out in pain.

Fu Qiu's pupils shrank suddenly, "Your Majesty! Hold on tight to the servant girl's hand, and be careful not to bite your tongue."

With the sound of rapid breathing, Yan Huan suddenly opened her eyes, looking at the top of the tent, the pattern was all too familiar, and the pain below her body came like a tide, she couldn't help but clenched Fuqiu's arm tightly, and let out a muffled groan.

A steady stream of heat gushed out, and she opened her mouth to ask something, but the pain was so painful that she couldn't speak.

The answer is obvious, so there is no need to ask.

The child must be lost.

The pain was numb, her whole body was soaked in cold sweat, her face was as pale as paper, and the blood that flowed out was shocking. There was constant tinnitus, and she just silently recited her own memories in her heart, without any omissions.

The memory has not been extracted, and she is still in this plane, so the forced extraction mentioned by the system is the extraction failure?


"Take it away quickly! Don't let the empress feel sad when she sees it!"

Wu Qiu turned her head away and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She could see clearly that it was a baby boy who was about to take shape.

"Has the empress' blood stopped?"

"Wait for the news from my side, let Lanchun and the others come back from the outer hall, and we will break out from the window on that side."

"Why did your mother faint?"

"Your Majesty's body is already weak. It's normal for her to be exhausted after a small childbirth."

Yan Huan only felt that he was falling all the time, he could hear the sound of rapid footsteps in his ears, the sound of metal clashing was annoying, the smell of blood lingering from the tip of his nose could not go away, his stomach was overwhelmed, but he couldn't keep his body dry Heck, amidst the noisy and chaotic sounds in the distance, a childish voice is getting closer and shouting, "Mother, mother."

Before he could listen to the voice carefully, he fell into a cold darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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