Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1597 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1597 Why Are You Sticking To Me (2)

With a clear and cold voice, Yan Huan looked at the source of the voice and gasped.

Holy crap, so handsome!
This person should only exist in the sky, how many times can the world hear about it!

How to describe how handsome a handsome guy is in one sentence?

If this is a strategy plane, then this boy is 100% the hero of the strategy!

How could there be a boy with such good-looking eyes, warm and narrow double eyelids, thick and long eyelashes, and the tip of the eye is slightly raised, the original cold temperament is a bit attractive because of the slightly raised tip of the eye.

He can be seen from a distance but not played with, but this does not affect Yan Huan's love at first sight for him.

"Here, the mirror you want, why are you so dazed!"

"Hey, who is that handsome guy by the window!"

The tablemate looked at her like a psychopath, "Why are you crazy?"

Yan Huan giggled and started laughing, "Oh, I didn't notice that there is such a handsome guy in the class before, what's his name!"

The deskmate touched her forehead and started talking to herself, "I woke up and fell asleep..."


Yan Huan, who was eager to be handsome, elbowed his deskmate again, who looked at her sympathetically, "That man is Yun Shen."

Yan Huan silently wrote down the handsome guy's name, and by the way, a few idiot eyes drifted over.

"You don't even recognize your brother? Then do you know my name?"


Yan Huan called out like a male duck, the whole class was silent, and all eyes were on her.

The female teacher couldn't bear it any longer, she slapped the desk, squeezed a few words between her teeth, "Yao Yao! Get out!"


Yan Huan stood in the corridor and began to reflect.

It's not about reflecting on how I disturbed the classroom order, but about why lovers end up as brothers and sisters.

She took the mirror and looked at her face left and right. This face was not Yan Huan's, but it didn't look like Yun Shen either.

When the bell rang for the end of class, Yan Huan rubbed his sore knee, and looked expectantly at his deskmate in the classroom. The female teacher came out with a lesson plan and a water glass, and glanced at her with her nostrils upturned, then snorted coldly, slowly Walking towards the office, I did not forget to remind her, "Call your parents to my office after school!"

Yan Huan had a smile on his face, and waited for the female teacher to go away before her deskmate came out of the classroom and dragged her to go to the toilet together. Yan Huan didn't change his mind, and hurriedly asked, "Is that Yun Shen my cousin? I still recognize it." Brother? Or adopted brother?"

The deskmate gave her a blank look, "Why are you freaking out, he has your father's surname, and you have your mother's surname, you are brothers and sisters with the same father and mother, okay?"

Yan Huan petrified on the spot.

"Really? But my face doesn't look like Yun Shen's either!"

The tablemate disagreed, "Maybe one looks like dad and the other looks like mom?"

Yan Huan shook his head, "It's such a handsome guy, what a pity!"

The tablemate looked her up and down without saying a word, "Yao Yao, Yao Yao, I underestimated you before, I never thought you would want to engage in orthopedics in Germany? Is it so interesting?"

Yan Huan looked up to the sky and sighed, meow, brothers and sisters!She was a young girl who lost her love because of her blood relationship.

"Yao Yao, come here."

Yan Huan and his tablemate were standing in the corridor outside the bathroom lamenting the impermanence of the world, but Yun Shen caught him straight.

Yan Huan sighed, and walked towards him, "What are you doing?"

Yun Shen didn't look sideways, and said coldly, "Mom and Dad haven't come back yet from a business trip."


"I'll accompany you to Teacher Liu's office after school."

"Oh ah?"

 It is updated four times a day, fixed at 7:[-] pm, and it will end around this week or next week~
(End of this chapter)

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