Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1598 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1598 Why Are You Sticking To Me (3)

Yan Huan and Yun Shen stood side by side in Teacher Liu's office, Yan Huan stared at his own toes raptly, there were a few intertwined dark shoe prints on them, a friendly reminder from being stepped on by his deskmate in the afternoon.

Teacher Liu threw the textbook away, annoyed, "Yao Yao, I told you to call the parents, so you just called your brother to fool me?!"

Yan Huan didn't dare to quibble, he hesitated, "Teacher, my parents haven't come back from a business trip..."


"Teacher, my parents are not here, so I am her parent. Yao Yao fell asleep in class today, and I apologize to you on her behalf. She was late last night, so she was in a bad state of mind."

Teacher Liu snorted and said contemptuously, "You can't recite "Teacher's Talk" today after memorizing it late? You can't fly even if you are a stupid bird?"

Yun Shen didn't change his expression, "Well, what she recited is Wen Zong."

Teacher Liu choked, and Yan Huan choked too.

hello bro!I called you here to help, not to demolish me!
You said in front of the Chinese teacher that it was too late to memorize comprehensive essays!

Yan Huan lowered his head even lower.

Yun Shen continued, "From the point of view of the score ratio, the [-] points in the comprehensive literature are far more important than the very ancient poems and essays in Chinese. Since Yao Yao is not interested in Chinese, it is appropriate to work harder on the comprehensive literature."

Teacher Liu's face turned red with anger, "Yun Shen! You are helping the evildoers, do you know that?"

Yun Shen still had the same straight-eyed expression, "I know."

Yan Huan's head buzzed——


In the end, she didn't know how she got out of Mr. Liu's office. It felt like... she narrowly escaped from the hail of bullets.

"Damn it! Niubi, bro!"

Dare to talk back to the teacher like this, it's really a shame!

Yan Huan waved his small fists, as if he had won a battle, Yun Shen said expressionlessly, "She has no right to call you stupid."

Yan Huan nodded again and again, defiantly, "That's it!"

Yun Shen picked up the schoolbag behind her, and the weight behind her suddenly lightened. Before she could speak, Yun Shen spoke again.

"So, you didn't memorize "Teacher's Talk", what did you do during the memorization time last night?"

Yan Huan pursed his lips and laughed, "Didn't you just recite the essay?"

Yun Shen sneered, "That's what I said to fool Teacher Liu, and you use it to fool yourself?"

Yan Huan scratched his head, laughed silly twice, and was silent in his heart, then how do I know what the owner of this body did last night?
She fell into a world without clearing missions and cognitive information at all!

Yan Huan and Yun Shen went downstairs silently, the setting sun spread on the street, every step seemed to be stepping on a shattered dream.

It's really a headache to do homework and endorsement when she goes back. It seems that she hasn't touched the knowledge points in reality for a century.

In the passing self-study classroom, the sound of reciting books came one after another, mixed with classical Chinese, English, historical years and various formulas. On the plastic track, there were people running against the wind, and there were groups of boys playing on the basketball court farther away. Basketball, the shouts and the sound of the ball hitting the ground piled up memories that belonged exclusively to adolescence.

Yan Huan felt a little at ease in her heart, only such a real scene could make her feel her real existence.

The same table passed by on a bicycle, saw her stop, and warmly invited, "Yao Yao! Go to B to see handsome guys! They have a basketball game today!"

Yan Huan's eyes lit up, and before he could agree, Yun Shen turned his head and refused for her first.

"She's not interested in handsome guys."

(End of this chapter)

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