Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1605 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1605 Why Are You Sticking To Me (11)

Two tears fell from his eyes and fell on the back of Yan Huan's hand. She forgot for a moment the pain of being dragged by him just now. Those two tears were like two clusters of fire, burning up on the back of her hand. It burned into my heart.


She didn't know why, but she just felt so uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't say why she was uncomfortable.

Did you cry because of Yun Shen?
No, he said such a long series of words, she didn't understand what he said at all.

However, under this kind of incomprehension, there is an unspeakable, sympathetic pain that burns my heart.

Yan Huan had a sore nose, and two tears fell, "What are you talking about..."

Yun Shen suddenly grabbed her shoulders, and asked in a questioning voice, "In the end, I owe you what I owe you. After all these years, I should pay it off, what do you think?"

Yan Huan was so frightened by him like this that she couldn't figure out what his intentions were, but she couldn't figure it out at all.

"I do not know what you're talking about……"

The strength of pinching her shoulder was a little stronger, Yan Huan gasped in pain, "Really, brother, it's like this, I don't know why, I don't remember much about the past, if we really have What kind of hatred or... something else, can you just tell me the whole thing?"

"I know."

Yan Huan swallowed again.

Help, it's just these three simple words, "I know", Yan Huan can't even understand what it means now.

"Or if I put it that way, you should understand."

Yan Huan let out a sigh, waiting for his next words.

Yun Shen finally let go of her shoulders, her thin lips moved lightly, "Yan Huan."

Yan Huan felt as if struck by lightning, the hairs all over his body stood on end, he uncontrollably took two steps back, trying to distance himself from this person.

"Really? Yan Huan, the one living in Yao Yao's body is you."

Yan Huan slumped on the ground, his face pale, and he was terrified, "You, how do you know?"

How long has she been in this plane!

She has never said the name "Yan Huan" to anyone, it's impossible, is it a dream?

It's not right, she has never had the habit of talking in her sleep, besides, her bedroom door is locked, so it is impossible for him to overhear her by such a coincidence.

Is it surveillance?
He installed surveillance cameras in her room?

Thousands of thoughts flooded into Yan Huan's mind at once, and Yun Shen squatted down, staring at her with empty eyes, "I've been waiting for you."

Yan Huan stared blankly at him with a stick in his throat, feeling that the intimidating power of his eyes was too terrifying.

"Or what about these names? Do they help you remember who you are?"

Yan Huan shook her head instinctively, not wanting to hear more information from him that would scare her half to death, "Stop it, stop it."

She murmured, her back was already wet with sweat, her face was pale, as if she had a serious illness.

"Yang Miaoyin, Lin Yao, Yu Chaochao..."

He lowered his voice and reported the names one by one, as if death was reading a list, Yan Huan was so frightened that his soul was out of his body, and without thinking, he directly covered his mouth, "Stop talking!"

Her chest heaved violently, and the hand covering Yun Shen shook violently, Yan Huan was so frightened that he burst into tears, "Stop talking!"

"Why can't you tell?"

Yun Shen asked expressionlessly, and Yan Huan didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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