Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1606 Why Are You Sticking To Me

Chapter 1606 Why Are You Sticking To Me (12)

During the silence, she could only hear the hallway wind blowing past her ears, chilling her already sweaty back. Yan Huan shivered, and still sat on the ground stiffly, not daring to move.

After a long time, Yun Shen decided to speak, with pain in his tone, "Do you really not remember, you not want me?"

Remember what... Yan Huan was about to cry.

"I really don't remember, I don't remember anything about Yao Yao before, I..."

Yun Shen interrupted her impatiently, "I'm not talking about Yao Yao, it's you, it's Yan Huan's memory!"

"I remember, I remember that my name is Yan Huan, I live in W City, I'm a sophomore in high school, my father is self-employed and my mother... There is too much information about me, what exactly do you want to hear, can you give me a clear direction?"

"Not these!"

Yun Shen interrupted her again, this time directly clasped her wrists, forcing her to continue talking.

"I, I really don't know what you want to hear, why don't you just ask me, okay? If I know, I will tell you!"

Yan Huan trembled in a small voice. In order to show her sincerity, she slowed down and said again, "Really! I will tell you everything I know, just ask!"

Yun took a deep breath, and seemed to feel that the words and deeds just now had scared her, so he calmed down and asked calmly.

"You tied a system by accident, went to some places, and did some tasks."

He said he was asking a question, but his tone didn't mean to question at all. Instead, he just calmly stated a fact that both parties knew.

Yan Huan didn't even think about it, just nodded again and again, and then thought that he couldn't see the nodding, so he hurriedly said repeatedly, "Mmmmmmm!"

"it is good."

After confirming that Yan Huan really wanted to talk to him, Yun Shen asked again.

"You meet different people in every different world, don't you?"

Yan Huan nodded following his words, and hummed a few more times.

She knew that she had done a lot of tasks with the system, so she would definitely meet different people, and there was nothing to hide about that.

"Then do you still remember the last person you met?"

Yan Huan searched for the last memory in his mind, but it was hazy and he had no memory at all.

She doesn't even remember what tasks she did, how could she remember anyone.

After each previous task was completed, her memory would be forcibly cleared by the system. It is expected that after the completion of the last plane, the system must also clear her memory.

But before she could answer, Yun Shen spoke first.

"I don't have any regrets about those things in the past, but this last one... You appeared too suddenly, and you came here before I had dealt with many things."

Probably speaking of unpleasant memories, Yun Shen frowned lightly, feeling a little guilty.

"I didn't protect you well. I shouldn't be happy because of that momentary impulse. I was not good, but I didn't do those things that hurt you. I was trapped at that time, and I was in that body. But I can't do anything, I can only watch you being hurt, watching you die after being humiliated."

He was completely immersed in his emotions, Yan Huan was a little afraid to interrupt him.

In fact, she had no impression of what he said.

"Fortunately, I won in the end, but I didn't expect it to be that close. If you wait for me, it won't be the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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