Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 166 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 166 Everything is Calculated (19)

Yan Huan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Didn't you hug me very diligently when you came here?
Why are you not happy now?

I'm so angry!
This must be a fake Raiders character!
The little nurse took the wheelchair very quickly. After the folding wheelchair was opened, she helped Yan Huan to sit in the wheelchair. Yan Huan looked up at Zhuge Liang resentfully, and snorted angrily.

Who is this!
Note lonely life!
She rolled her eyes and said to Zhuge Liang sullenly, "You push me away?"

Zhuge Liang pointed to the buttons on the armrest of the wheelchair, "Up, down, left, and right keys, this one is for backwards, this one is for pause, and this one is for acceleration."

Yan Huan:. . .

A high-tech wheelchair, is this configuration QQ Speed?
It will be even more powerful if you put props again.

Zhuge Liang walked slowly ahead with his pockets in his pockets, while Yan Huan followed him silently in the wheelchair.

Inexplicably, I feel like Zhuge Liang's grandma...

The road to strategy is really long...

The Raiders character is cold, what should she do?

Waiting online, very anxious.

Yan Huan complained all the way, the wheelchair stopped beside the supercar at the entrance of the hospital, she looked at Zhuge Liang resentfully.

Zhuge Liang picked up her collar in disgust, Yan Huan screamed for a while!

"Hey! You're going to strangle me like this!"

The pajamas and pajama pants were too small, with a part of her wrist and ankle exposed, which were tightly attached to her body, outlining the girl's curves, as sweet as ripe berries.

Zhuge Liang's face burned into one piece, and he immediately put down his hand holding her collar, his heart was about to jump out!
Yan Huan stared round his eyes, and said in a bad tone, "Cruel!"

Fortunately, it was dark, so Zhuge Liang couldn't see her blushing. He looked away embarrassed to look at Yan Huan again, picked her up expressionlessly, and stuffed her into the car.

He also didn't forget to fold her wheelchair and stuff it in.

Yan Huan:. . .

I really want to wonder if little brother Zhuge doesn't like women!
All the way back home in silence, Zhuge Liang was as cold as an iceberg.

Forget it, anyway, he won't hug himself anymore.

After regaining some strength, Yan Huan left the wheelchair, entered the elevator home with a proud face, raised her legs and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

Zhuge Liang behind her quickly said, "Stop!"

Yan Huan turned around inexplicably, yawned, and said lazily, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed, I have something to talk about tomorrow..."

Zhuge Liang frowned, didn't look at her directly, and pointed to the bedroom on the first floor with a disgusted tone, "Go to sleep in your place, you will move out early tomorrow morning."

He had a strange feeling in his heart, strange and strange, he couldn't let this uncontrollable emotion continue to spread!

And Lin Yao, the fuse, must go.

move away? !
Yan Huan's drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and he rebelled vigorously.

"I won't go, I won't go!"

Zhuge Liang looked at her condescendingly, with a blank expression on his face, so cold that people didn't want to talk to him.

He folded his arms, and suddenly wanted to tease Yan Huan, so he said slowly, "What's the use of you staying here?"

Yan Huan rolled his eyes.

It seems to be useless...

Washing clothes, cooking, washing dishes, you don't need her for anything.

But the thick-skinned Yan Huan took it for granted, "Of course I'm useful! I can make you happy!"

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips and smiled lightly, he didn't know if he was mocking him or if he was really amused.

"I do not need."

Yan Huan raised his eyebrows and motioned him to look at the distance between the two, let alone two meters, not even half a meter.

She smiled and said, "Master Zhuge is lying, he said no, but his body is very sincere...Ah!!!"

 People who eat melons: throw it on the bed!Throw it to bed!Kiss, hug, slap, slap!
  Indifferent bright: ([-]_[-])
(End of this chapter)

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