Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 167 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 167 Everything is Calculated (20)

Yan Huan was indeed thrown into bed.

It's just that it was her own bed on the first floor.

And the way...

Simple and straightforward.

Zhuge Liang lifted her by the back of the collar in distaste, cold as ice, slipped her into the room expressionlessly, and threw her on the bed.

With her butt facing backwards, she was thrown on the bed in an indecent position.

Yan Huan:. . .I quit! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

This Raiders character!
Whoever loves Raiders will go Raiders!

Zhuge Liang left her and went out of the room without looking back, his back was stiff and straight, and the blush on his face was hidden in the night.

He didn't even realize that when he was with Lin Yao, sometimes he couldn't think that she should be two meters away from him.

At that time, Lin Yao was a little girl.

All his abnormalities can be ignored.

But now Lin Yao has grown up!
I shouldn't be so close to her anymore!
The increasingly uncontrollable heart made Zhuge Liang flustered and at a loss for the first time in history.

He frowned coldly, in addition to being dazed, there was also puzzlement in his eyes.

Apart from driving Lin Yao out, he didn't know any other solution.

Zhuge Liang walked up to the bedroom on the second floor slowly by himself. The crooked [-]-point line on the bed stained some of her fragrant quilt and remained on the bed.

He didn't feel disgusted with this smell, but thought it smelled good.

Zhuge Liang tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, the more he forced himself to sleep, the more conscious he became.

The night outside the window is thick and deep, and the neon light is gorgeous and beautiful. On this deserted street, it looks very lonely.

Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh of annoyance.

The little girl slept alone and always had nightmares.

Are you having a nightmare now?
Her pale face, covered in cold sweat, and empty and frightened eyes could not be restrained in his mind, which was so pitiful that it made people feel distressed.

What a hell!

He couldn't help but want to go downstairs to see that little girl!

Zhuge Liang squeezed the center of his eyebrows awkwardly, making excuses for himself in his heart.

Lin Yao was so sick that she almost died. As the owner of this house, he should care about the guests living here, right?

Zhuge Liang nodded in satisfaction in the dark, lifted the quilt and went downstairs softly.

Sure enough, Yan Huan squeezed the corner of the quilt, sweating profusely, biting his lower lip, trembling all over!

Another nightmare!
Her lower lip was bitten bloodshot, and Zhuge Liang felt a lot of distress in his heart. He bent down instinctively, and patted her face, trying to make her relax.

It's okay not to shoot, this one...

Yan Huan suddenly woke up from the nightmare, and suddenly sat up, focusing on Zhuge Liang who was still on her bitten lip, but didn't react...

So the two faces collided in mid-air!
Yan Huan, who was in a daze, never imagined that the first bo-bo with little brother Zhuge would be so terrifying!It hurts so much!

Yes, it hurts!

Her teeth hit Zhuge Liang's lips, and her nose hit his cheekbone. Before she could feel the taste of his lips, Yan Huan fell back on the bed in pain.


She was covering her nose, wanting to cry!
The nose hurt terribly, and then, some warm liquid flowed out and spread to the mouth, a bloody smell!


Her front teeth!It hurts too!
Yan Huan moaned miserably on the bed, nosebleeds came out and dripped on the bed sheet.

Zhuge Liang's face was already darker than the sky outside.

Everything in front of my eyes was blurred, and even my heartbeat seemed to have stopped at this moment.

The only thing he was thinking about was, Lin Yao's lips just touched his lips? !
 Thank you Luoge for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Dear little fairy~

  Yan Huan: Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Are you happy?
  Indifferent bright:. . .

  Why do stupid humans like to kiss?

  Obviously it hurts so much.

  Mengmeng: You may have misunderstood Bobo...

(End of this chapter)

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