Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 168 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 168 Everything is Calculated (21)

Yan Huan hummed weakly twice, with tears in his eyes, "Stop the me get the paper..."

Zhuge Liang finally moved, his face darkened, he took the medicine kit with a stiff expression, and clumsily used gauze to stop Yan Huan's nosebleed.

"well enough?"

Zhuge Liang's voice was a little dry, his neckline was torn a little, his silver hair was messy, the corners of his lips were slightly swollen, and there were bright red spots of blood.

He's like a bad boy who just got into a fight.


His nose hurts when he touched it, Yan Huan gave him an aggrieved look, took a cotton swab and dipped it in iodine, and gently wiped the chapped corner of his lips.

Why bother?
The two of them didn't sleep well at night and hurt each other? (╥_╥)
The distance between the two was very close, Lin Yao's eyes were fixed on the corners of his lips, she was serious and cute, her bright red lips were plump, like ripe little cherries.

Zhuge Liang looked at her lips, thinking of that moment just now...

His face flushed immediately, and he wanted to look away unnaturally, but accidentally tore the wound, and he frowned.

Yan Huan thought that she had hit him hard and hurt him, guilt flashed in her eyes, she gently blew on the wound on the corner of her lips, and said in a soft voice, "It doesn't hurt..."

Gentle like dripping water.

Zhuge Liang blushed to the base of his ears, and every cell in his body was uncomfortable!

He pushed Yan Huan's hand away in embarrassment, and cleared his throat pretending to be calm, "I just came to see if you have any relapse."

Yan Huan:. . .

What the hell is the word sickness? !
Make it look like she's having a seizure every now and then!
Yan Huan smiled speechlessly.

Zhuge Liang is deliberately explaining why he came to see her!

Explanation is cover up, cover up is fact!
Admit that you care about me and not get pregnant! ╯^╰

Zhuge Liang didn't look at her again, and left the bedroom expressionlessly, with a very calm tone.

"take a good rest."

[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 10]


Finally you are here…

Good thing I didn't give up...

Favorability has finally moved! !

Yan Huan was so excited that he watched him close the door for him with a calm face, and raised his lips in a dark way.

Finally, finally, little brother Zhuge is tempted!

So much revenge for bullying me, finally I have the opportunity to avenge it! (smiling face)

The sky outside has turned a bit pale, and it's almost dawn.

What a night of honey!

Yan Huan was unable to support his forehead, sighed miserably, closed his eyes in sleepiness, and fell asleep in the sun as soon as he returned to the cage.

She looked listlessly in the full-length mirror, her nose was bruised, her eyes were also black, and her whole body was full of bad breath.

Is this what the flowers of the motherland should look like!
The overlord flowers in the motherland don't grow like this, do they?

Yan Huan yawned tiredly, then opened the bedroom door, and saw Zhuge Liang sitting in the dining room, washing up, serious.

Yan Huan blinked his round eyes, and greeted with a smile, "Hi~"

When Zhuge Liang saw her face, he felt uncomfortable.

He stayed up all night and finally made a decision.

Zhuge Liang lifted his lips and said lightly, "Pack up your things, Adjutant Song will pick you up at noon."

Adjutant Song was the middle-aged man who brought her here before.

Yan Huan was dumbfounded.

Wow isn't it?

I just kissed her last night, so you want to drive her away today because of your heartlessness?

Yan Huan was depressed.

She innocently blinked her round eyes a few times, watery.

"But I kissed you, I have to be responsible for you, Master Zhuge!"

 Thanks to Li Bai & Daji for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Kiss, hug, hold high~
(End of this chapter)

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