Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 169 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 169 Everything is Calculated (22)

Zhuge Liang didn't hold back, his face turned red, his usually calm and cold eyes were stained with a bit of embarrassment and anger, and his tone was a bit serious.


Yan Huan was baffled by his fierceness, and his temper also came up. He rolled his eyes and raised his voice a little, "If you don't need it, you don't need it!"

It's like how much this girl wants to be responsible for you!
If it weren't for seeing you as a raider, I would have put a sack on your head, dragged you into a small dark corner, and beat you up! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

Zhuge Liang looked at her with a very bad face, and went into the bedroom angrily, regretting inexplicably in his heart.

The tone just now was heavy.

He just got hot in his head and didn't want Lin Yao to continue talking, so he opened his mouth a little fiercely.

But he can't take back what he said, and he himself is not the kind of person who can easily apologize with a humble attitude.

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips, knowing that what he did was wrong, but he was so awkward that he didn't want to apologize.

He was restless, and he finished his breakfast without any taste, just when Adjutant Song rang the doorbell.

Zhuge Liang opened the door for him expressionlessly, and Yan Huan came out of the bedroom expressionlessly, carrying his own suitcase and holding the little fold-eared cat in his arms.

There was a weird awkwardness in the air.

Adjutant Song looked at Zhuge Liang's broken lips, then at Yan Huan's black eye circles, black and blue nose, the corners of his mouth twitched.

These two didn't fight last night, did they?

So the Commander called him early in the morning and asked him to pick up Lin Yao.

Oh my god, the Commander's face is still painted!

Moreover, he hit a woman? !

He watched Lin Yao grow up since he was a child, and he has experienced too many twists and turns recently, so he loves Lin Yao even more.

At this moment, seeing her miserable appearance, an unknown anger surged up, and her face suddenly sank.

Adjutant Song lifted the suitcase in Yan Huan's hand, and spoke in a deep voice with meaning.

"Let's go, go back to Uncle Song's house, I grew up in a honey jar, what are you doing suffering here?"

After he finished speaking, he looked contemptuously at Zhuge Liang who was "beating a woman". He carried the suitcase in one hand and dragged Yan Huan in the other, and went out the door without even saying hello or looking back.

Zhuge Liang's face was as black as ink, his heart was depressed, and he was tumbling with complicated emotions. He closed the door vigorously, but he was also very depressed!

From what Adjutant Song said, he must have thought that Lin Yao's face was injured by himself.

He was depressed, not because of Adjutant Song.

Instead, when Lin Yao left, she didn't even say goodbye!
He left without looking back, as if he wanted to leave quickly.

Zhuge Liang's heart suddenly became empty.

I was the one who drove her away, and I was the one who was reluctant to give up in the end.

His emotions, his heart, seemed to be out of his control, but Lin Yao was in control.

Zhuge Liang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his light blue eyes were like a sea, his emotions were deep and complicated, his lips were pursed, and the corners of his lips were slightly painful.

He reached out and touched the corner of his lips. It seemed that there was still some warmth from the little girl's lips.

Her lips are so soft.


[Strategy character favorability +10, current total favorability: 20]

Yan Huan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, silently rolled his eyes.


It's really dishonest, you obviously like me, but you always put on a look of indifference and aloofness.

fierce to me?Still drive me away?

Mensaoliang, this girl is waiting for you to come and beg me to go back!
hum ╯^╰

Who is not a little prince?
I want to stand up as a serf and sing, and be the master from now on!
 Thanks to opple for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Kiss, rub, little fairy!

  Since then, there has been a huge roadblock on Leng Liang's way of chasing his wife: Adjutant Song

(End of this chapter)

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