Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 170 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 170 Everything is Calculated (23)

As Yan Huan expected, Zhuge Liang was not in the mood all day today.

The high-level executives of Starship Battleship were having a meeting, and Yang Nuan finished reading the new energy mining plan, and found that the person at the top didn't respond.

She carefully glanced at Zhuge Liang, and was surprised to find that Commander was in a daze? !
Or are you in a daze at such an important meeting? !
This is really the sun coming out of the west!

A rare spectacle once in a century!
Adjutant Song glanced impatiently at Zhuge Liang who was in a daze, and coughed twice to remind him.

Only then did Zhuge Liang come to his senses, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly, "Okay, next, Yang Nuan will talk about the mining of new energy sources."

Yang Nuan:. . .

The other people in the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay, a little puzzled.

Yang Nuan spoke weakly, a little embarrassed.

"Commander, I just said about the exploitation of new energy sources..."

There was an awkward silence in the air.

Zhuge Liang raised his eyebrows, rested his long fingers on the table, and tapped twice, his brows and eyes were still arrogant and cold, and he spoke lightly.

"Then say it again."

Everyone:. . .

After finally finishing the meeting and returning to his office, Zhuge Liang was still restless.

The cold eyes picked impatiently, he loosened the neckline, leaned on the chair, his mind was already drifting away.

What is Lin Yao doing now?

He wanted to see what Lin Yao was doing, but there was no suitable reason for him to go to Adjutant Song's house.

Zhuge Liang pursed his lips, frowned and thought for a while, a black belly suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He hooked his lower lip, turned on the computer, typed out a series of codes with his long fingers, and quickly hacked the robot in Adjutant Song's house.

The robot's red electronic eyes flashed, but Lin Yao, who was at home, didn't notice.

Through the robot's electronic eyes, Zhuge Liang's computer clearly shows what Lin Yao is doing now.

She was eating sunflower seeds, drinking fruit juice, lying on the sofa with no image, watching TV with great interest.

Zhuge Liang's eyes were slightly displeased.

She was in someone else's house, so relaxed and happy?
Isn't there a little bit of loss and sadness from leaving his house?

Before, she justly said that she likes herself, but now it seems...

The depression in Zhuge Liang's heart rose to the extreme, he wished he could directly take out that duplicity little girl from the computer!
The computer was shut down with a snap, and Zhuge Liang's face was full of depression.

to find her?
Can't pull this face off.

Don't go to her?

I can't settle down again.

This difficult problem stumped Zhuge Liang, the most wise man in the ages.

He sighed in frustration, picked up the car keys on the table, pressed the elevator and went downstairs.

Just look outside Adjutant Song's house.

This heartless little girl doesn't seem to care about herself at all.

Think about yourself?
Zhuge Liang was frightened by his own thoughts, and his ears turned red again.

Was he expecting that Lin Yao would miss herself?
What the hell!
The supercar was speeding all the way, and it rushed to the door of Adjutant Song's house in a cool manner.

The curtains on the french windows were drawn, and he couldn't see what was going on inside. Zhuge Liang felt disappointed, and his long fingers holding the steering wheel tightened.

Come here for nothing.

He quietly looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows, started the supercar and was about to leave. A cat passed by slowly in front of the car.

Zhuge Liang took another look, it was Lin Yao's little cat with folded ears.

Something flashed through his mind, the corners of his lips curled up, and there was a bit of dark calculation in his cold eyes.

 Little Fold-Eared Cat: Where's my melon?I'm really just a melon eater passing by!

  Black belly: Brother Cat, I will borrow it from you and return it when it is finished.

  Mengmeng: Shocked!Zhuge Liang, the commander of the star flight, wants to do this kind of thing to a defenseless kitten!
  Leng Lengliang: There are a lot of dramas, so let me step down.

(End of this chapter)

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