Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 171 1 Everything is under calculation

Chapter 171 Everything is Calculated (24)

Yan Huan had just finished dinner, and was about to wash some grapes and eat while watching TV, when Adjutant Song walked over with a dark face, holding his mobile phone.

"Yaoyao, Sir Commander is looking for you."

Disgust was evident in his tone.

Yan Huan blinked in confusion, did the two quarrel or something happened?
Adjutant Song's disgusted face, is she wrong?

Yan Huan answered the phone, and asked politely, "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Zhuge Liang frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with her indifferent attitude.

He raised his eyebrows, deliberately pretending to be disgusted and helpless, "Your cat came to my house."

Yan Huan:? ? ?

isn't it? !

Just now I saw a little fold-eared cat wandering in the yard!

"Are you sure that's my cat?"

Zhuge Liang snorted coldly, and his attitude was very arrogant for a while, "Grey ears and a gray spot on the tail, isn't it your cat?"

Yan Huan pouted, it was indeed her cat.

Her attitude lowered a bit, and her tone became better, with a bit of pleading.

"Then can I trouble you and send it back?"

Lord Zhuge refused coldly, with an indifferent tone, "I'm busy, come here by yourself."

After all, hang up the phone.

Crazy and cool.

A perfect combination of domineering and cold arrogance.

Everything is in his calculations.

Zhuge Liang smiled in satisfaction, his brows and eyes softened a bit, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

Lin Yao will definitely come over.

He was happy in his heart. Looking at the little fold-eared cat at his feet, he also felt that it was fluffy and extraordinarily cute, especially with its pair of wet round eyes, which looked very much like its owner.

Zhuge Liang wanted to reach out his hand to touch its little head, but remembered that he didn't like to be in contact with these small animals, so he withdrew his hand and rubbed the kitten's body with his feet through the slippers.

The little fold-eared cat meowed twice in disgust, and jumped away arrogantly.

Pooh!Use this king to pick up girls? !
My Majesty wishes you an early overturn in the gutter!

On the other end, Yan Huan hung up the phone and touched his chin in a daze.

Adjutant Song's home is more than ten kilometers away from Zhuge Liang's home!

Kitten, how did you run over in such a short time?
Has it become refined?
Yan Huan twitched the corner of his mouth, sighed helplessly, put on his coat and prepared to go out.

Adjutant Song immediately became vigilant.

"Where are you going? What did the Commander tell you on the phone?"

Yan Huan scratched his hair dejectedly, and said in a sullen tone, "My cat ran off to Master Zhuge's house, I'll go and bring it back."

The cat ran to the commander's house?

Adjutant Song frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

Lin Yao was beaten by him, and he wants to let Lin Yao go there again?

Could it be that you are addicted to beating?
Adjutant Song frowned even more, and snorted from his nose, with obvious contempt in his eyes.

He patted Yan Huan on the shoulder, with a firm and helpful light in his eyes, "It's late at night, it's not safe for you to go out as a girl, I'll help you bring the cat back."

Yan Huan smiled embarrassedly, "Uncle, you are so busy, no need, I'll go hug myself."

Adjutant Song put on his coat involuntarily, took the car keys, and waved at Yan Huan.

"Why are you being so polite with Uncle Song? I'll drive over there soon."

Yan Huan smiled brightly, warm in his heart, and obediently waved to Adjutant Song.

"Thank you, Uncle Song! Uncle Song, pay attention to safety while driving!"

She watched Adjutant Song drive away, and raised her eyebrows relaxedly.

Adjutant Song, what a good man!
 Thank you for the reward of 99 book coins~

  Happy weekend little fairies~

  Thick-skinned reaching out for tickets, hee hee O(≧▽≦)O

(End of this chapter)

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